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Getting to Know You.

Mar 15, 16 at 4:00pm
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Stay in (I never go out at night) Are you a leader or a follower? Follower, but will be a leader if needed I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: Hit a zombie while driving a car at above 250km/h, then I can die peacefully What is your ultimate guity pleasure? (Not really guilty pleasure but)I've lost myself countless of times in z0r What is the thing you hate most about yourself? All my random health issues What is the thing you like most about yourself? My honesty Do you like to cook? (Never learned how to) But I would love to If so, what do you make best? (If I learned how to) Lasagna Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. I do, no favorite beverage as I only do It on random occasions List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Apple juice Do you smoke? Nope Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Right now I do, but it'll end soon, i'd rather not say what it is for as it is a bit embarassing Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? nope If not, have you in the past? nope How would you describe your political alliance? Heh, non-existant Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? nah Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? I watch the news every morning(more like listen to them, but whatever :P) Do you have siblings? nope Do you have pets? Yup, 5 cats: Chiquita, Rita, Branquinha, Tétis, Flora Do you eat meat? Yeah Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? Nope, maybe one day I'll go to college What do you want to be when you grow up? Pro F1 driver, but realistically, a programmer Are you religious/spiritual? Nope Do you like art? Nah 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Laptop b. Smartphone c. Clothes d. Backpack e. Earphones 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? laptop and backpack 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? clothes List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown(It's the only book I read) List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Weight of my pride - Pay money to my pain 2. Bulb - Breeze 3. その背、私に預け。 (From Pizuya's Cell afaik) 4. Dangerkids - Light Escapes 5. Pizuya's Cell - Awaking bugs that cold dislike List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. I don't really watch TV List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Borderlands 2. SLRR 3. Black Desert 4. APB:Reloaded 5. Speedrunners List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Air Gear 2. Mob Psycho (When it comes out, my hype is real) 3. YuYu Hakusho 4. Sacred Seven 5. Rosario Vampire S1 (And if you like it, read the manga) List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. Not a movie person You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. 5 hamburgers with 2 large sodas from a place around where I live (Each hamburger is the size of a f'king dining plate) Finish the sentence. Gossip is... incredibly amusing with the right friends You can never have too much... money War is a necessary... (I dunno what to finish this one with) You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can pick your friends Viva la ... vida? (lol :v)
Nice thread @Veru, I have some time. On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Stay in and play video games. Now if im invited out thats a different story, i'll go out if im feeling okay. Are you a leader or a follower? Definitely a leader, I find it bothersome to follow behind someone. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: I honestly do not believe in it XD so no plan more like im hoping I pass away before their is one. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? Animals and spicy food. I adore kittens, puppys, ferrets, racoons, so it obviously doenst matter what kind of furry creature, spicy things that I have no buisness consuming especially chips. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? My thought process of keeping myself completely isolated. What is the thing you like most about yourself? Im very diverse I love a lot of different things. I guess my best quaility would be my loyalty. I could really hate you at some point and time but still have your back. Im not one to turn on people. Do you like to cook? Absolutely, love too. If so, what do you make best? Italian Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. Yes, Vodka, Hypnotic, Sour Apple Pucker, Margaritas, Sex on the beach, Whiskey Sours. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Tea, frozen mochas, black cherry sparkling water. Do you smoke? No, but I use to do hookas so every like 8 months or so I might light a cigar but not recently. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Good lord do I every, like 8 of them. Hmm nerve damage, pain relief, hormones, vitamins, muscle relaxers, seizure medication, muscle weakness. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? No If not, have you in the past? Never, always thought id get addicted or something. Not worth it. How would you describe your political alliance? I hate the government, like seriously enough said. I probably have a few opinions but I never really get into it or debate on the issue. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? Use too, teen vouge, Teen Magazine, Newtype <-do those still exist?) Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? Watches news about twice a day. Do you have siblings? One older sister but she has learning disabilitys so I guess you could say im technically the older one. Do you have pets? Use too, 3 ferrets Snookie, Cocoa, and Max. Not at the same time though. Do you eat meat? I wish I didnt but yes, although I cant eat whole pieces of meat like steak unless its incorperated in something. Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? Plan to graduate What do you want to be when you grow up? A scientist either in pharmaceutics or neurology. Are you religious/spiritual? What faith? Nope, Atheist. Do you like art? List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. Yes, but no specific name. Im mostly into mosaic artwork. 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Cell Phone b. Pills c. Bottle of vodka d. Life Jacket e. Emergency Raft 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? Cell phone Cant choose between the pain killers or the vodka XD. What would keep me loopy much faster. Bye bye pills. 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? Cell Phone =, might be able to call for help if im lucky that is. Probably no signal or got fried by ocean water. List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: Honestly cant list any, not much of a reader besides manga, encyclopedias, and articles. List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Getting away with murder - Papa roach 2. Sick - Adelitas Way 3. Fake it - Seether 4. Smells like teen spirit - Nirvana 5. How you remind me - Nickel Back 6. Freak On a Leash - Korn (had to add that XD) List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Awkward 2. Scandal 3. The 100 4. Grey Anatomy 5. How to get Away with Murder List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Blazblue 2. Devil May Cry 3. Star Ocean 4. Darksiders 5.Dead Space List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Fate/Zero 2. Akame ga Kill 3. Freezing 4. Toradora 5.FMA List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Hunger Games 2. Step Brothers 3. The Hangover 4. Deadpool 5. The five year engagement <couldnt think of a number 5 XD Harry potter maybe) You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. Tacos, chimichangas, chalupas, redvelvet icecream, strawberry banana smoothies, and a salad. Finish the sentence. Gossip is... a nuisance. You can never have too much... Money War is a necessary... evil You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can always have that family reunion once the older generation has finally died off. Viva la ... XD came up empty here honestly dont know what I would put. Hopefully no one put Loca.
Mar 15, 16 at 5:54pm
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Depends on my mood really. Saturday night I pretty much always go out now, but on Sunday it varies. Are you a leader or a follower? I guess more of a follower for the most part... does leading groups in World of Warcraft count for leadership? I generally led for PvP groups. xD I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: Well if they're still around hopefully, I would go to my friend and his wife, he is an ex marine with a sick gun collection. Then I guess what we would do would really vary on the situation... I doubt things would always go to plan in a zombie apocalypse, but having weapons is definitely a good idea. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What is the thing you hate most about yourself? I have a hard time communicating with people in real life due to anxiety and such. Because of this retail jobs were always hard for me. What is the thing you like most about yourself? I tend to stay pretty committed to things, whether it be something unimportant like a video game or keeping promises with friends. I never really bail on anyone (unless work screws me over) and I think my friends appreciate that. Do you like to cook? If so, what do you make best? Yes. I make pretty good egg sandwiches because I eat them in the morning a lot... but not even close to my favorite thing to cook. Sometimes I make my own pizza, they don't look great but I'm slowly getting there. The taste is there though, I make the dough and sauce from scratch. I cook a lot of Japanese cuisine, I basically just following cooking shows for that. I also like to bake a lot of sweets, I experiment with cookies a lot. c: Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. No. I tried it for a bit back in 2013, but it just wasn't for me. When I did try it I usually had to drink things like hard lemonade or anything that would drown out the taste of alcohol. With the exception of a few drinks at a party last summer I haven't really had a drink since. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Water. I drink water 99% of the time. Do you smoke? No. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? No. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? No. If not, have you in the past? No. How would you describe your political alliance? In all honestly I hardly follow politics. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? I don't read magazines anymore, but I read all sorts of things on websites. I don't really follow anything in particular, I just find interesting things to read about, usually tech or gaming related. Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? I never read the newspaper. Occasionally I might be on a news site for a big story if it hits Reddit or something. Do you have siblings? Yes, an older brother and sister. Do you have pets? Yes, a dog. He's part Shar Pei part Border Collie. I have pictures of him in my profile. c: Do you eat meat? Yes I LOVE meat nom nom. Nothing like a burger fresh off the grill. Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? I have an Associates degree in Computer Science. I don't really know if I plan continue, college is expensive. I have a friend who has an Associates degree in the same field and he landed a nice IT job, so anything is possible. What do you want to be when you grow up? Ideally I would like to get into programming for a living. I like coding and problem solving. Java is my best language but I tend to adapt to others fairly easily. At the very least I want to be in an IT position of some sort, I'm good with computers. Are you religious/spiritual? What faith? No, but I consider myself Agnostic. Do you like art? List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. Osamu Tezuka 2. Bob Ross In all honesty I don't follow art and artists a lot, but those are two cool dudes. 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Phone b. PS Vita c. Wallet d. Clothes (obviously) e. Food / water 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? PS Vita and Phone, if it means surviving well... those things can be replaced. 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? My phone unfortunately. It has no signal and will be dead in a day, how useless. List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: I barely read books. Slowly getting into reading manga now but meh, I'm boring lol. List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. Honestly 5 songs is just not enough because I listen to so much x-x, but here is 5 random songs I like: c: 1. DOLL$BOXX - Take My Chance, please watch the music video. c: 2. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Yumeno Hajima Ring Ring 3. Korn - Got The Life 4. Slipknot - Psychosocial 5. This electronic Vocaloid song I just heard using IA's voice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLTlRq32Hq8 List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Breaking Bad 2. Lost 3. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 4. Heroes 5. Prison Break List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Dance Dance revolution and / or In the Groove. Both are fun and provide excellent exercise. :) Alternatively Pump It UP if you want to change it up. 2. Battlefield, at least try 3 and onward. 2 on the PC was great but it's outdated, I could understand not liking it. The games just have so much to offer.. want to be infantry? Cool, plenty of ways to deal with anything. Want to be in a tank and wipe out squads? Go for it. Want to be the friggin' air strike? Grab a helicopter or fighter jet! 3. The Elder Scrolls, I started with Morrowind so it's the earliest I could vouch for, but I've enjoyed the series a lot going forward. I haven't tried the MMO however, I have no interest in it. PC like many games is best for mods, limitless content and it's cool to see what people can do. 4. Diablo 3, preferably on PC but any system would be fun for at least a while. Ever since the expansion the game has been more enjoyable for both the casual and hardcore player base. PC is best because they do seasons, which means everyone has a choice to make a new character with others to do a sort of race. It's like playing the game on day one again but you know everything about the game with new updates and gear changes. 5. Super Mario World... the best Mario game ever made. Period. List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Shokugeki no Soma 2. Ghost in the Shell 3. Cowboy Bebop 4. Akira 5. Golden Time List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Deadpool 2. Man of Steel 3. Saving Private Ryan 4. All the Star Wars movies (or at least episode 4 and onward) 5. All the Harry Potter movies. You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. I would ask for a pizza, then just tell them to give it to a homeless person. I'll be dead soon so screw it. Finish the sentence. Gossip is... for small minded people. You can never have too much... chocolate. c: War is a necessary... evil. You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can pick your friends. Viva la ... Bam!
Hi, this Maria. I'll be quick. On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Fucking stay in, who the hell has that much energy? Are you a leader or a follower? Always been a natural leader but rn I just don't want to be spotted. I get spotted anyway. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: Kill them all. Idk how, I just totally would. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Chaos. Nah jk, I really love expressing myself without using words. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? I'm manipulative and kinda double-faced. What is the thing you like most about yourself? How fast I understand and learn things. Do you like to cook? If so, what do you make best? I hate cooking but I've done a Chinese rice that tastes like God. Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. I drink alcohol but I'm not picky about it. The stronger it is the better. Just don't give me flavored vodka that thing is disgusting. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Carrot and tomato juice. Do you smoke? No. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? No. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? No. If not, have you in the past? No. How would you describe your political alliance? Impartial until I realize I'm poor af. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? No. Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? I read El Nacional like once a week and I keep up with the Maduradas pages almost daily. My country's situation interest me a lot. Do you have siblings? Yes I do, I have four younger sisters. Do you have pets? Used to. Was a beautiful, loyal Dalmatian. Love that breed since then. Do you eat meat? I fucking love meat I am meat that eats meat carnivorous 100% Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? Studying right now an amazing career. What do you want to be when you grow up? One of those unbreakable people that make history by doing great things for people that aren't worthy the time and effort. Are you religious/spiritual? What faith? Christian. Do you like art? List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. I consider the greater artists to be architects so: 1. Zaha Hadid 2. Oscar Niemeyer 3. Le Corbusier 4. Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe 5. Daniel Libeskind 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Money. b. Clothes? c. Cellphone. d. Charger. e. Earphones. 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? Tbh everything but money. 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? The fuck the money what is this question. List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. Maldito Karma. 2. El fin del mundo y el país de las maravillas - Haruki Murakami. 3. 13 reasons. 4. OVNI. 5. (If you're christian) Él vino a dar libertad a los cautivos - Rebecca Brown. List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Eye of the Tiger lol 2. Unity -thefatrat 3. Panic Station - Muse 4. Animals - Muse 5. Centuries - falloutboy List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Naruto. 2. Attack on Titan. 3. Tokyo Ghoul. 4. Teen Titans lol 5. Toradora. List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Watch Dogs. 2. Far Cry 3. 3. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations or whatev lol 4. Batman: Arkham City 5. Forza Motors Sport. List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Naruto. 2. Tokyo Ghoul. 3. Psycho Pass 4. Sakamichi no Apollon. 5. Toradora. List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. The Walk. 2. Loopers. 3. 500 days with her. 4. Batman. 5. Beastly. You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. Arepa. Finish the sentence. Gossip is... an idiot's hobby. You can never have too much... chocolate. War is a necessary... mean for uneducated people. You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can control everything else. Viva la viajadera. ... I wasn't quick.
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Depends on my mood but go out mostly Are you a leader or a follower? Leader I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: can't beat them join em What is your ultimate guity pleasure? Food What is the thing you hate most about yourself? My temper What is the thing you like most about yourself? Can Get along with anybody and a free thinker Do you like to cook? If so, what do you make best? Hell no lol Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage.crown royal or corona's List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.strawberry fanta Do you smoke? No Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Use to it was risperdial or something like that Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? Nope If not, have you in the past? Yes How would you describe your political alliance? Awesome Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? No Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? Not really maybe twice a month Do you have siblings? Yes 5 Do you have pets? No Do you eat meat? Yes Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? No and I've thought about it but I'm busy taking care of people right now What do you want to be when you grow up? A god Are you religious/spiritual? What faith? Yup somewhat I believe there is one god the supreme architect but not the god in the holy books they are allegorical scriptures and stories mostly Do you like art? List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1.Malcolm brown 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a.phone b.clothes c.hygiene accessories d.some women e.xbox 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? Hygiene accessories and one of the females lol 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? Phone List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1.wounded womb 2.laws of mathematics 3.holy bible 4.holy quran 5.astronomy/astrology books List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1.kanye west-i wonder 2.kid cudi-up up away 3.daft punk -one more time 4.Kendrick lamar-how much a dollar cost 5.Lupe fiasco- show goes on List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1.shameless 2.power 3.true blood 4. 5. List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1.NBA 2k15 2.madden 2015 3.sonic adventure 2 4.street fighter 5.tekken List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1.cowboy bebop 2.gundam wing 3.Dragonball z 4.neon Genesis evangelion 5.yu yu hakusho I'm old school lol List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1.Donnie darko 2.batman dark night 3.training day 4.scarface 5.rocky You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. Honestly probably wouldn't eat be to sad lol Finish the sentence. Gossip is bigotry from a bigot that has nothing better to do You can never have too much integrity War is a necessary for Peace and freedom You can't pick and choose your family, but you can pick and choose the way you carry yourself in life
hi im caleb On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? i rather stay inside or go exploring in the forsest behide my house Are you a leader or a follower? im more of a leader I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: ok first i get my wepons i have stocked around the house incase of bad things, secoend i becoem a loter and loot all the things third i become the best traids man on earth and get a house in a safe area, What is your ultimate guity pleasure? food in gernual and sleep What is the thing you hate most about yourself? my disabliltys What is the thing you like most about yourself? my abisson Do you like to cook? yes i like to cook on occation If so, what do you make best? well i grew up wiht baking cakes so i guess that. Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. no i dont drink but i did once had a pina colata and i loved every drop of it List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. green tea mountan dew water unsweeted tea unsweeted green tea Do you smoke? no i do not Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? yes i do and it is for my disablitys Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? no i do not If not, have you in the past? no i have not How would you describe your political alliance? im more of an ancharist with democratic views Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? not really im more into books not magazines Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? no i do not need that dressing shit in my life due to the fact i already suffer from deression Do you have siblings? im an only child Do you have pets? yes i have a calion named mikasa Do you eat meat? Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? no i have nto and yes i plan on going to college and graduating in g ame design and bussness What do you want to be when you grow up? a bussness owner, a singer, or a bladesmith aka a person who makes knifes Are you religious/spiritual? not very in the since of religion in society What faith? i do my own thing i call it the middle path it both uses the idea of the cristan god and the cristan devil and you can not obey one with out knowing the other is there so why not obey both Do you like art? i love are List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. vencent van go 2. lenardo da vinchi 3. picaso 4. micoangolo 5. my self 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. some sunscrean b. 5,000 dolors c. my wallet d. my girlfriend if i had one !_! e. a nice pillow 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? my girlfriend at least i have company if i died ont he island and im not dieing alone List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. hunger games 2. hary potter 3. any video game stratigy guide 4. any video game cheat code book 5. if the scp foundation had a book of the scp's than that List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. the first opening for attack on titan 2. the first ending for SAO 3. get down wiht the sickness 4. the vengful one 5.the sound of silence List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. attack on titan 2.sao 3. fourged in fire 4. friends 5. family guy List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. fallout 3 2. cod waw 3. cod bo1 4. cod bo2 5.fallout 4 List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. attack on titan 2. sword art online 3. bobobobobo 4. bleach 5.love curabro and delusions (sorry if i spelled the seconed word wrong) List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. deadpool 2. hungergames 3. starwars 4 4. star wars 6 5.star wars 5 You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. it would be escargo with a hint of lemon a extra large deepdish bbq chenck pizza and a pina colata Finish the sentence. Gossip is... about lies and slander You can never have too much... of some one you love War is a necessary... but the cost of it should not be death of life You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can choose to be around them Viva la ... luna
Mar 16, 16 at 11:29pm
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? -> If "going out" means "binge drinking and partying", then nope. I'd mostly stay in, though I'd like to visit some place / play roleplay games or whatever with friends. Are you a leader or a follower? -> Follower for most things, leader when I have to and for projects that really matter to me. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: -> Get a strong place easy to defend (I guess The Walking Dead could be a nice tutorial?), weapons, food, and people to spend time with cause you can't really interact with zombies. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? -> Not telling :P What is the thing you hate most about yourself? -> My fear of cumminicating with others What is the thing you like most about yourself? -> Being open-minded Do you like to cook? If so, what do you make best? -> Yes, cookies! And mine are the best :P Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. -> No (just don't like it) List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. -> Orange juice forever! Do you smoke? -> No. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? -> Fortunately no. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? -> No. If not, have you in the past? -> You know, I'm really a bland guy :P How would you describe your political alliance? -> I'd say "liberal right"? Though it doesn't mean much since what is considered left or right is somewhat different between countries. I believe most problems arise from economic issues, and that people should be free to do what they want and express themselves without being told what is right or wrong by morons who want to impose their opinion to the world (so yeah, I'm pro-choice and for gay rights). I'd prefer politics to be about ideas (and action) rather than alignment. What bothers me is politicians feel so disconnected to the rest of the world. In 2017 (next elections for president in France) if the candidates are the expected lot I honestly don't know who I'll give my vote to. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? -> Nope, no monies nor place to store all that paper. Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? -> I check the BBC website every morning. Do you have siblings? -> Yup, one brother and one sister, both older. Do you have pets? -> No, but I used to have a cat. Do you eat meat? -> Yes Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? -> I always have trouble with that question, because the French system is quite unique when it comes to engineering. I guess you can assume I'm a graduate student. What do you want to be when you grow up? -> Will I ever grow up ? ^^ I don't know (in terms of specific job or even work domain). Are you religious/spiritual? What faith? -> In short, atheist. In long, probably some weird kind of agnostic. Do you like art? List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. -> I like art, but it's way too large for me to reduce it to 5 elements... Let's say I'm always impressed by people who can draw. If you can teach me I'd be happy ^^ 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Cell phone b. Money c. Clothes d. Stuff for personnal hygiene (well, that goes with the clothes) e. Paper (if I'm allowed to have a pencil as well) 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? -> Cell phone because I barely get called at all, and item d. as mid-term vengeance against the crew. 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? -> Paper (and the pencil if I'm allowed to pack it with the paper). I'm screwed anyway because I didn't have a knife to begin with ^^. Heck, how could I know I'd get stuck on an island? List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. A Song of Ice and Fire (George R.R. Martin) 2. Revelation Space (Alastair Reynolds) 3. Nightfall (Isaac Asimov) 4. Animal Farm (George Orwell) List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygène 8 2. Nightwish - Ghost Love Score 3. AYUTRICA - Ao to Aka no Nijuurasen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38mmYjVmKdQ 4. Nobuo Uematsu - Terra's Theme (Final Fantasy VI OST) 5. Kumi Tanioka / Yae Fujimoto - Sound of the Wind (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles OST) List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Game of Thrones 2. Fringe 3. Eureka 4. The Mentalist 5. Chuck There are many more but I can't list them all List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Portal / Portal 2 2. Age of Empires II/III 3. Final Fantasy X 4. League of Legends 5. Warframe List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 2. Death Note 3. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 4. Steins;Gate 5. Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. The Prestige You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. -> Classic prison meal. Theoretically balanced but disgusting. Would you really expect mercy from an authority that wants you dead? Finish the sentence. -> Finishing sentence, like lethal injection or electric chair? Gossip is... -> Oh, you meant this one. Gossip is food for the NSA. You can never have too much... -> love! War is a necessary... -> tool against overcrowding, or how to solve global warming, hunger, resource supply and land occupation all at once! (just kidding :P) You can't pick and choose your family, but... -> you can pick your friends and do your best to keep them forever! Viva la ... -> comida ! I'm out of ideas.
Apr 10, 16 at 12:20am
Thanks to everyone who participated. ^_^
luk wat i found scouting for gud old intresting threads XD is dis still okay can we still answer dis, veru? XD XD
Jun 02, 16 at 8:35pm
Feel free Erica! XD
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