Poems from troubled hearts

Lisanthur @sanfi
Poems from troubled hearts
Lisanthur @sanfi
I thought maybe some people are interested in posting some darker poetry to express feelings of anxiety or maybe even plain dark humour

Lisanthur @sanfi
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Poems from troubled hearts
Lisanthur @sanfi
I'll start:
When I look at you I see my own face,
It has to be there, but I don’t know why.
My face looks normal, not out of place,
Why, then does it make me want to cry?

Ed~ @yamadaed
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Poems from troubled hearts
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

Lisanthur @sanfi
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Poems from troubled hearts
Lisanthur @sanfi
Wow, that ending though

xynox @xynox
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Poems from troubled hearts
xynox @xynox
Wrath is a sin wrote holy hand,
But that's my struggles put to end,
I dream of draining out your soul,
And leaving there a gaping hole,
My hair enables such a sin,
Fate heeds me with an evil grin.
Some people got me like..

Hadesu @hadesus
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Poems from troubled hearts
Hadesu @hadesus
I'm not so good with english, so maybe it will be confusing, but here's my last love story:
Your metamorhose has come long way,
You just saw what you become today,
Since it was my creation,
Born from my own hands,
You ask me, what i say, command,
To let you flee to oblivion?
I can't, though i should,
But my claws and armor, against your new you, are no use,
For what you've become is more impressive and would,
Lead me to despair, and you to abuse.
Since you're better, and smarter, than me now,
Just let me know,
What will be the fate of me,
Meaningless without you, how it's gonna be?
What will happen to you, without me, will your regress?
I'll tell you, my life is gonna be loveless..
You find someone, so early, did you say?
Well.. i've no choice, no more hope, i can't say you to stay.
Here it comes, the final end of our story,
With you up, and me down, what a tradgic irony,
Oh, i'll be fine, maybe,
I'll manage, my anger, my sadness, and all that started this treachery.
For my heart broken will become complete again,
Maybe less that complete in fact,
A small hole, tiny hole, in an intact plain,
Will stay here, to ward you, like would do a pact.

Hadesu @hadesus
commented on
Poems from troubled hearts
Hadesu @hadesus
Sorrow's tearing my feelings tonight,
Over me there is like a flock of raven who flight,
Depressing, the heavy air beneath me is starting to presurize me,
And i'm again in the torment of infinity.
Here in the darknesses that i make,
I can see, i can feel, the pain that i deserve,
Cause i'm not worthy of the good that lies beyond,
Here i can't laugh without insanity, no more i can bond,
It's not the purpose of me cause i'll have to serve,
Cause i wil accomplish my task no matter what it take.
Pityfull little odd creature am i,
Tall, but skinny, strong, but weak, looking cheerfull, but sad,
And all of this is a game where the creature comes to a habit, being mad,
Be tortured, and cry.

Lisanthur @sanfi
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Poems from troubled hearts
Lisanthur @sanfi
Thank you, Hadesu. This is exactly why I started this topic ^^ Your poems are magnificently depressing, yet so poeticly beautiful that it's inspiring

Hadesu @hadesus
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Poems from troubled hearts
Hadesu @hadesus
Domo arigato, black feelings inspire me, so it's easier to talk about my personnal feelings about things with poetry. I'm particurarly inspired this days, i think i'll give you one each day..

Hadesu @hadesus
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Poems from troubled hearts
Hadesu @hadesus
Here it comes, the black destroyer,
This feeling long time ago restrained in chains,
The horror, the sarcastic pityful and evil personna,
Still i don't understand, why he want, above anything else, stay forever,
In this world, among the beautiful color of happiness, he stays, dark, like stains,
Blocking love, cheers and taking only pain to make hatred, is here, and anger, and boils, like magma.
Despair is his only reason to live,
Hatred is his only reason to fight,
Pain is his only reason to stay,
No matter what, he'l never leave,
He will stand here, never staggering in his might,
And this, until the end of day.
Why are you here mighty dark destroyer could i ask,
He will respond without giving me any glance,
I'm here to protect,
To protect who? what? if you're good why do you wear that mask,
To protect you, from yourself, and everyone else who might dare to advance,
I'll squash them, burn them, slice them and destroy their rest like they are, in fact, an insect.
I never asked for such a thing,
Why, mighty destroyer, should you do this for me?
Oh yes you did. you've decided to hire me after that feeling,
For now on, i never let you get another chance, happy again, you'l never be.
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