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Don't really like myself.......

Pretty much what the topic title says. I'm obese,unintelligent,uninteresting,unattractive, my life's very repetitive, and the list goes on. day after day it's the same thing, I mean why did fate choose me to have the Fat Gene from my father?( I tried losing weight but it is NOT as easy as it seems at ALL.Plus nowadays I'm really depressed and lack motivation to really do anything) Why did Fate choose me to have a learning disability?(I have a shitty special diploma from high school,now I can't go to universities and good schools unless I get a G.E.D. which I'm working on right now. It's just painful going to that boring community center every Tue,Wed,Thur, plus I'm not motivated enough to study hard and fear of failing the G.E.D. test) I mean, this is why I don't think God loves all of his children, He brings them into the world knowing full well they didn't ask and knowing full well what'll happen to them. Sigh I don't have many friends either,I never had a GF before in my 24 years of existance, and the list goes on. I know this topic seems similar to my last one but I'm just really down and out. I really wished I was never born. I hate life.
dude you got to get positive. I'm not even gunna touch the God thing cuzz I'm pretty sure that's gunna start a huge flame war and I'd rather not deal with that right now. As for the other issues first of nothing comes easy if it's losing weight or getting your ged it takes time and effort and that's what makes it worth wile in the end. I use to get down on my self I'm dyslexic fat and to this day haven't had a girl friend or at least that's the way I use to see it and talk about my self. I was going to community college it sucked I hated high school and it was basically the same thing all over again but over here in cali everyone has to get a ged before they move on to their other classes so your not the only one. If you want to lose the wait the easiest way is to eat right and run or ride a bike a lot lots of cardio less carbs.your other option is to stop caring and work with what you got. Dress nice show confidence and make sure to just keep your self looking good. As for me I traded over to art school last year and I like it a lot better then community college. Given I still have to do my ged but it's more art oriented and I'm also taking drawing and computer classes with it. Also I stopped caring what people think and started to learn to like my self the way I am. I'm a nice responsible dude I tell my self any girl would be lucky to have me especially over all the douche bags I know out there. That helps because I believe it. That's all I can really give you I mean I still try and work out and eat right but I'm trying to concentrate on bulking up rather then lose wait. I figure I'll kill two birds with one stone and get muscles that will also burn my fat. I hope this helped. Best thing to do is be positive and confident. stay cool Soulxevans
I know how you feel man I have felt like that many times in the past 6 months... An all it did was make me really mad, hate myself, I wanted to disappear with saying a word cuz I had no one to turn to a I couldn't take it anymore...
Don't let the fear of failing stop you man. Sometimes in life, things are just harder for some people. Other people have it easy with their good looks and in born talent. But you know, you just have to find the brighter side in things and discover what's good in you. Work harder than most(kinda like rock lee from naruto). I mean, atleast you got limbs. Nick Vujicic had less limbs and he's still happy with life. cheer up dude things might get better if you try thinking positive. At your state you don't need a girlfriend either. Love yourself first before loving others. As the book "The secret" states positive thinking attracts positive things and vice versa. Goodluck with that GED test whatever that is. :)
Guys thanks for your kind words, but this topic is nearly three years old. lol.
So tells us how you feel now after 3 years C:
How's life treating you now?
@Ashi and Tin Not any better TBH. The only difference is I'm not as open about it, especially since meaner members are crawling around here.
Yea man how are you
Reading what you said, I can understand how you feel. I mean, I don't even have a highschool diploma. I'm not fat, but I feel like an old man with all the old people around. Really, my back will hurt at times when I am working, and I make sounds when getting up(Grunts and such). Also I got ringing in my ears, minor, but still annoying. Oh and don't get me started on my memory... And many other things. My point, I can sympathies with you. But, I one day, it was like "You know what? Screw the rules, who gives a fuck what other people think?! I'm tired of being weak, waiting for someone to save me! I will become stronger, I don't need anyone to tell me how to live! If some "god" put me in this position, then I'll show him, he made the mistake!" And now, I feel so much better, it wasn't easy, but, I am far stronger than before. I'm not saying you can do it easily, but, as soon as you give up on those things that make you worry, suffer, wallow in despair, or worse, you can become stronger! I said to myself "I am stronger! Stronger than anything! My will is my own! My strength is my own! Nothing can stand in my way!". Humans are capable of many things, we can adapt, change, and improve, so, I told myself to "Reprogram" itself'. It's not easy, not everyone can, but if you are determined enough, you can do it, I know it! But I guess I couldn't say I did it alone, I had anime, which always gave me the reason to live on! That's why I owe anime my life, that's why I love anime more than anything else, that's why I'm an otaku! Remember, we are all here for you, if you ever need help, want to talk, or anything, we are here, because I can feel that pain, almost reminds me of my past(Although I can't say anywhere close to what you feel, because your pain is your own, and I won't say I've been through the same as you). I burned my despair, and now I've freed myself, no "god" was able to do that, only me and anime. You can ignore what I said if it makes you feel worse, and if it did, I'm truly sorry, and will grovel on the ground for your forgiveness! But, if you do feel better, I'll be so happy, to know I was able to help someone, no matter how little, even though I love anime more than anything else, I've been told to have a natural kind heart, I dunno, it might be true, because that's how I think otakus should be. Also, it might be you may need to find that one thing that fills the empty void, as anime is to me. It could give you that strength!
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