What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?

BurningHalo @burninghalo
What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Really think about it. Lay it all out right here. Name up to 5 things in no particular order that you think you're missing from your life.
They have to be things you can change or affect in some way.

Max @reclaw
commented on
What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
Max @reclaw
Most importantly, a significant other. But one that really matches me.
Apart from that, I'd like to have some land. Einough to be self-sustaining. My dream still is to own a private tropical island somewhere.
And given those two, I could not think of anything that could make me happier.

Sherflow @sherflow
commented on
What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
Sherflow @sherflow
The fact I have GID and have a large metal bar jammed on my chest.

Rin @miarin
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What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
Rin @miarin
Feel like im missing comfort and feeling safe..., good thread by the way

Holyfok @holyfok
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What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
Holyfok @holyfok
To be honest im not the kind of guy needs a lot of things so when I want to have something I go all out to have it no matter the barriers so the answer is most likely nothing

BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
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What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
Well for me it's feeling stuck. I feel like my future is at a halt. but my five things are
Top Education
Real love
A place I feel more at home
A job that I can be happy and feel like I can live with
These can be easily changed and easily fixed. But that is it. They are not major things but that is what I am missing.

I_Am_B @aikido_sensei
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What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
I_Am_B @aikido_sensei
Girlfriend and my looks

neeto @neet_one
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What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
neeto @neet_one

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
What is keeping you from being happy/complete/fulfilled?
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Money, time, motivation.
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