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Does my senpai even exist?

I'd take either a Kouhai or I'd let someone be my Senpai. I don't really care :D
No! >3< *throws slippers at you*
Feb 29, 16 at 10:49pm
I wish Senpai would notice me. Whoever that may be. If there is one for me... Or maybe I need a Kouhai to notice. Wait, what if I already have one and I just haven't noticed them yet?! What should I do?! Oh right, the topic. You're a fun and kind person so I'm actually a little surprised that you haven't been snatched up already.
@♍♚~Queen Fancy~♚♍: hehehe, I can recognize a tsundere personality. You volunteering to be my Kouhai? Or maybe you wanna be my senpai >:3
Mar 01, 16 at 12:15am
Maybe, don't stop looking or asking questions, you never know what you'll fine.
Well first of all don't make it your top priority, and the only reason for you to be happy in life. I'm not saying that's your case, I just don't want you to repeat the same mistakes I did. Because I sure learned the hard way lol. This kind of thing is almost like when you're walking down a long road. If you keep looking on the road itself instead of having your eyes focused on the things far ahead, it will seem like an eternity till you get to your destination. My way of dealing with this, is to not think about it at all. Instead I use all my strength and time to get better at things that I'm already good at, while being aware of my weaknesses and dark traits and doing my best to fix them. If there really is that kind of person for me out there, I don't want to be a disappointment to her. Because she deserves the best of me, not the trainwreck I am now. xD That being said. I don't know you very well, but you seem like a very sweet, kind and caring person, that loves deeply and really takes the matters of heart seriously. Which believe it or not is an extremely rare trait these days. Somebody like you is not only bound to find your dear no matter what, but you just might get even more than you were looking for. :3
I have a question about the meaning of senpai. I am sorry if it is not related to this topic. I don't know what to say but for non-native Japanese speakers, Senpai means like a soul mate or like a crush something? For me the meaning of senpai is just senior. I just want to learn about it. Thank you.
It means the same to us, but in some context such as here, its kind of a silly cliche fantasy. Or a "meme" is perhaps a better way to put it.
Oh okay, meme. I understand. Thank you for answering to my question. I appreciate you very much.
Mar 01, 16 at 10:50pm
senpai shmenpai, i love senpai
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