What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?

Blue @blueroselover
What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
Blue @blueroselover
I'm sort of branching off from my last topic here. In meeting someone we often ask each other what we're looking for. I'd like to trim the fat by having a thread about it. So :What kind of lady are you looking for?
And as always, please be descriptive~
looks, personality, hobbies etc.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
neeto @neet_one
Someone like mai waifu.
Honestly though, It'd have to be someone I can get along with well and be able to find attractive basically. To try and go into more details, ideally (but not necessarily required) they'd be calm and easy going, maybe a bit clingy, Possibly an antisocial loner like myself, and someone that's never really done much if any dating before. Being well versed in the ways of the internet and (real)otaku ways would be a plus but not a requirement, would be nice if they were also a neet rather than some college grad with high expectations that would be hard to live up to, house wife type works too. It'd be great if they were into more feminine stuff too like with fashion, I think it'd be great to have a girl I could go shopping with at times for example and have fun trying out different outfits and accessories. That said I can't stand girls that are bitchy or quick to anger, people that are overweight, sluts, smokers, women with entitlement complexes who think they're princesses, or trashy/punk types with stuff like tats or body piercings.
Some might consider me picky but I'm just not someone who's desperate and begging for any girlfriend he can get. I'm fine with being single and don't see why I should change that unless I can find someone to give me a reason to. As I like to say, I rather chase a dream than live a nightmare.

Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
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What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
This account has been suspended.

shadowsavior @shadowsavior
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What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
shadowsavior @shadowsavior
someone who accepts who they are.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Fun fact, unless you take chances, you'll never know what you're missing. So many on here claim to be oh so accepting and yet they remain single, some on here for years. Perhaps there's a correlation? Nah... That couldn't be it...
As for me, so as to add rather than detract as seems to be the running theme for the day...
I'm with a loving woman. She is far greater than I've ever had or could've known. She takes me as I am and makes me feel like she puts me up on a pedestal. She desires my mind and my body, as do I of her. We can spend time out on the town or hours at home and still be happy just to be in each other's presence. I may be jinxing myself, but I have a hunch I'm not when I say this, I think she is exactly who I've always wanted, but never knew just how much I needed. She is not a someone I'm willing to settle for, rather, she is as of this point, a completion and a start to a new wonderful journey.
In conclusion, I think that about covers the question at hand for me.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Psh, Yaasshat, show me where them mid ohio girls are even at, and then we'll talk about correlations!
Kidding. Ohio people finally started joining or for some inexplicable reason, coming back. I'll finally be meeting a few this Saturday. Huzzah for social productivity!
But back on topic, I kinda fall in the middle ground of Neet and Yaass. There's a balance to be achieved between owning your preferences, and recognizing that the best gifts often come in the strangest, most unpredictable wrapping paper. (No, I'm not insinuating women are gifts or any of that crap. Its a metaphor)
It takes practice with meeting and bonding with others in order to learn not to idealize people too much, and yet likewise, sometimes you just know that one quality you really want in someone, or don't want. And you have the right to be choosy to some extent. But some of the kindest, sweetest, and most pure souls I've ever met were small town ohio girls with flawed families which have seeded rebellious streaks and short tempers within their external personalities. By all means, take the chance to get to know someone before you judge. Women are emotionally very complicated compared to men, in that everything is so wrapped up and intertwined with other facets. This is why you really need to take your time to explore them. And that exploration beneath their surface persona is very appreciated, by the way. Thats why women say rather consistently that they love a guy who "Pays attention" or could "read her mind".
That said, recognize that you have just as much power to exercise choice in preference as they do. Nobody wants to get stuck in a relation because of a sense of obligation or guilt. If you don't like cynical sarcasm, or toxic needle pricks at your self esteem, then by all means, you aren't in a healthy relationship, and it doesn't even matter if you know thats just her way of showing love, because it still will make you feel like crap in the end. You have every right to be choosy, and so does she.
Humanize her bro. And recognize that some humans on a deep soul level are still kinda shitty people, or they may not quite have what you are looking for in a relationship. So its perfectly valid not to want to be with them.
Edit: Oh shoot, I didn't answer my preferences yet. I'm mostly looking for the creative sorts of girls. Even better, Creative with emotional stability. Those two traits are rare to find together, and yet if I exist, I'm sure others do too.

lugexd @lugexd
commented on
What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
lugexd @lugexd
I just want a human, of the female variety. I mean, theres preferences I have, the only thing I'd really want is that they take care of themselves, I mean like, they aren't a rail and they aren't dying from morbid obesity. And that we have some common interests. I'd like them to be kind and caring of course. Not necessarily a goody two-shoes but you know, they give a shit about other people. and they have compassion. And, I'd like them to enjoy cuddling and such. >.> I'm a cuddler after all...

Blue @blueroselover
commented on
What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
Blue @blueroselover
Thank you for such thoughtful responses so far. Keep them coming~
Choco, you sound like you're speaking from experience

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
commented on
What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
I would have to find them attractive in some way but, mainly would want them to be healthy. Pretty eyes and a good smile are things I really like in a person. I would like to date someone with a shy, cute, caring, and sweet personality. I would like for a few of their hobbies to be watching anime, playing videogames, and drawing. I also love hugs and cuddling so, I would like for them to as well. ^_^ Honesty and a good understanding also go a long way. I'd like to feel I could talk to them about anything and open up to them. That is my ideal date. ^~^

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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What kind of person are you looking to date?(For those attracted to women)?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Its a combination of experience and wisdom I tend to echo back from my research into psychology + spirituality, and listening to friend's relationship problems. I have no idea why they always come to me, considering I've been single for about six years, and they always seem to do the opposite of my advice anyways. Oh well. Least someone learns from their mistakes. Not that I'm a model for perfection either.
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