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Why do some women obsess over height so much?

http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/lovelycomplex/images/3/36/Lovely_Complex_Wiki.jpg I'm short hehe :].
It is ok pippy ur still cool
shoot...the fact that cotton is tall...mind blowing
Height doesn't really bother me too much. I'm 5'6" so any height above that is fine as long as they are cute and a nice person.
I'm 6 ft 3 inches. So just under Cotton's height, hehe.
My mother is 5 foot 11 my dad is 5 foot 6 so this amuses me. that said one of my friends from school his dad was 6 foot 11 to his mothers 5 foot 1
@miarin You hit the nail on the head. Society teaches us that being with a short man is not acceptable. No one should have to feel embarrassed being out in public if there is a height difference. It's going to be up to us and future generations to change how people think, to show how romance between a shorter guy and a taller woman can actually happen. If you let such an insignificant trait cut you off from a whole section of people, your chances of finding the perfect guy also shrink drastically. This goes the same for men who have height requirements. Don't limit yourself to what you see on the outside.
height doesn't bother me when it comes to dating someone i really like, i would date both very short and tall girls and i differently wouldn't care if they are taller than me. i stand at 6ft
well, thats the thing about preference. it kind of goes out the window if you really like someone. And yeah Arc, hence why to me, I hate that I'm so short :/ its kinda been drilled into my head thats weird and unnatural e.e but its never really stopped me... I prefer girls that are shorter than me for personal reasons but eh. I've liked at least one girl that was taller than me xD
There's a guy that seems interesting to me and he's like a bit smaller than me and I'm 5'7" so that's why I commented that before lmao.
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