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soustes @soustes
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soustes @soustes
Hi im new here came on to talk to people about similar intrestes that i have

Empyreal Light @dragonflykite
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Empyreal Light @dragonflykite
Hi soustes :3 interesting name by the way and cool I see you're from England.That'd be a cool country to visit with its neat history.Hope your stay here is a pleasant one >:)

soustes @soustes
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soustes @soustes
i hope so to diamondpocket it does have a neat history but the idiots here make it hard to cope and thank you.

Empyreal Light @dragonflykite
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Empyreal Light @dragonflykite
^_^ haha,don't feel bad bud. I get where you're coming from.I think where I come from which is New Orleans has a neat history too but I would never recommend living there.After hurricane Katrina the crime is bad and I've had my share of idiots.And no prob.You seem like a nice person to be friends with. ^_^ It never ceases to amaze me how nice most anime fans are.Too bad everyone weren't one because it'd make the world a much nicer place to live in

soustes @soustes
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soustes @soustes
i agree but people judge anime like a cartoon when there is a huge difference between anime and a cartoon a cartoon is designed for kids but anime is for adults

hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
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hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
Hey Soustes, nice to see another Anime Fan in Cornwall! :D - Getting very rare these days :P
I hope you enjoy your time here ^_^
- Hans.

Empyreal Light @dragonflykite
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Empyreal Light @dragonflykite
Yeah I agree with you.There is a big difference.Most Westerners don't get the fascination about our sub group and think we're childish for liking something they never took the time to fully look into.If they'd watch say 2 or 3 full anime series from beginning to end then they might appreciate the art form of anime being separate from cartoons a bit more.Most cartoons are silly and that's about it.No deep storyline but anime has romance,fighting, dying, cussing,mystery and humor made for an older audience.Some only have a few of these traits while others often mainstream anime have many of these.But sadly I don't think the mainstream public will ever accept it as a art form and just a silly obsession by geeks but I don't ever plan on stopping watching cause of a ignorant group.I guess at least we know it for what it truly is.A great art

soustes @soustes
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soustes @soustes
thanks hans and diamondpoket i comppletly agree it is a great art and i am always open about me watvhing i try to convince other people to watch anime i have managedd to convince to hahah

Empyreal Light @dragonflykite
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Empyreal Light @dragonflykite
^_^ Cool soustes.Never hurts to try to encourage others to sway over to our side of fandomonium:D My older brother never watched a single anime in his life but when Durarara! Came out his girlfriend at the time watched anime sometimes got him hooked on that series.Sadly that was the only one he ever watched but it's not impossible for a anime non believer to convert XD Oh.By the way thanks for the friend request. ^_^ I'm going to go off to pick up something to eat but I'm looking forward to talking to you again.I'll catch ya on the flip side bud

soustes @soustes
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soustes @soustes
sure thing it was nice talking to someone who had similiar veiews to me talk soon
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