How does someone keep your attention?

BurningHalo @burninghalo
How does someone keep your attention?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Think about the people you spend the most time talking to or look forward to speaking to/spending time with the most. What are the reasons for it? Please be honest. I'm not here to judge.
Is it how much they engage with you? What sorts of experiences they've had and share with you? Is it how similar your interests are? Do you find yourself more engaged with someone if you're attracted to them? Be as detailed as you want.

xypho @xypho
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How does someone keep your attention?
xypho @xypho
This account has been suspended.

Max @reclaw
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How does someone keep your attention?
Max @reclaw
My best friend is the most honest person I know. He gets me and my humor, it's almost like we'd share a consciousness. When we talk, we always have something to laugh about. It's just the best times with him.
I haven't known him for long now, so it can't be about shared experiences that much. It's more the same wavelength that we have.

♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
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How does someone keep your attention?
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
I like talking to people who have a genuine interest in me and not that forced conversation where things are said out of habit. Of course I don't expect everyone to want to talk to me but there has to be a bit of give and take. I also love intelligence and a good sense of humour. If they are attractive too then that is always a bonus but if they are boring and there is no connection then why waste your time.

115 @siruboo
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How does someone keep your attention?
115 @siruboo
if there smart but not thinking there smarter then you, they could be a little boring. not be a amazing person or read many books and be happy all the time. maybe having kinda a disorder so we could be more similar. im kinda low energy and like just chilling. i like moving around like a fun time would be being outside then maybe going inside and watching cartoons or something for a bit

Gutzies @gutzies
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How does someone keep your attention?
Gutzies @gutzies
I think similar interests and attraction both help. If you are attracted to someone you are more likely to give them your full attention and be more interested. And when you like similar things it really helps. Having an interest in the same topics will keep me talking. Similar things for me could be enjoying the same music so you can go to a show together. Same food so you can have a nice dinner date. Spontaneity also helps. We have been staying in a lot lately just watching tv in our pajamas. Its getting borring... Enter spontaneity. I love surprises.
If this isn't in person, then more so just the top part of this.

B. @verflucht
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How does someone keep your attention?
B. @verflucht
People who are evil

Hiatus @reicah
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How does someone keep your attention?
Hiatus @reicah
Intelligent and sensible conversation. Lol. Not nerdy or too serious.Just sensible and in a way that it was just natural coming from you. Then We can insert randomness in between.

hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
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How does someone keep your attention?
hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
Effort: If someone takes the time to listen to me, I'll return the same (if not more) amount of attention to them. I actually quite enjoy listening to other people's stories, dreams, ideas, worries and so on.
I'm quite bad at conversations but anyone who says hi to me will get a hi back! ^_^

Rain @rainx
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How does someone keep your attention?
Rain @rainx
Making the conversation a two way street. I'm all for coming up with subjects to talk about and ask questions to keep things going, but few word or maybe one or two sentence responses that give a general answer but don't redirect or keep the conversation flowing naturally makes it a bit frustrating and more like I'm interviewing the person than having a genuine conversation.
Being the initiator of the conversations I am the majority of the time, I don't mind doing plenty of things to keep the conversation interesting and moving forward, but if after awhile you don't ask me something or seem like you're not taking a genuine interest in what we're talking about, that can really grind the flow of things to a halt to the point where I'll probably stop messaging someone.
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