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What are common reasons you stop talking to people?

Overly depressive people, i struggle to maintain my own elevated moods, so people who are always dejected and defeated, make it harder for me to crawl out of my own pit. girls pushing their feelings on me after being told im not interested, i have very specific wants and needs in a relationship, and if i'm not willing to even give you a "lets see where it goes" and i outright reject you, you simply dont the have a chance. something about you and your personality is unattractive to me being boring, dont get mad at me if i cant come up with a reply to an endless stream of one/two word replies, or emotes, im gonna just stop talking altogether being lowclass and/or ignorant/uneducated. you dont have to be a phd student, but i'd like some evidence of at least *going* to school. at all. talk like a human being, use decent grammar, have more than a three syllable vocabulary, dont scream profanities across parking lots, ot of excitement or anger. ect
I usually prefer talking to people who show some interest in actually having conversations. I don't want to feel like I'm constantly badgering the other into talking. Also, I want the other person to contact me every once and while, rather than the other way around; in other words, don't make me do all the heavy lifting. If I have to start every conversation, I feel like the other person really doesn't care to talk to me, so I end up giving up.
I usually stop talking when there's not much to really reply to the other person. Saying 'okay' or 'cool' or just a short response doesn't seem worth it since it would be the same for the other person. And I guess I don't usually start conversations because I worry I might come off as a pest since everyone comes here for their own reasons, doing what they want. Plus I worry that I get too excited when talking about topics I really like so they get turned off.
Sometimes we just run out of things to talk about and get into those one word response territories. I've been able to revive some conversations with people from that state but most of the time it's a death sentence. Usually those kinda messages are a sign they don't want to talk and are just replying to be polite, but sometimes it's just because people aren't very good talkers so one shouldn't give up on them too easily. Aside from those 1-2 word responses from people I mentioned, I try not to ignore messages and typically respond to every message I get. I'd be lying if I said I never encountered a few people who felt like a chore to talk to but that's been pretty rare. Usually it's me they get tired of talking to I think. Many message me here but most just kind of lose interest after a while. I dunno, maybe I'm boring, maybe they decide they don't like me, or maybe I don't show enough interest in them. one way or another many people just stop responding out the blue, even when we're getting along seemingly okay. can't be helped.
I get bored with them or they get annoying. probably other reasons but eh. I try to be nice and talk to people when they msg me e.e even if i don't exactly want to talk to them. oh wells.
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@thesailingteacup then why join a *dating* website? all that does is cast false hope for people who are here *to* date. there are dozens of non-dating animesites so if you aren't dating, at all, period, why are you on a dating service?
Well, its not just a dating site to be honest. Its a site that you can find someone to date yes, and its the primary function. but its also a forum where people can meet others with like interests to just converse with. ^.^ either way, its win/win.
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