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Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
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Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Just tired, I'll be alright though. Hows your day?

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
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Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Im so so definitely good be better but what the hay. I keep running out of anime to watch probably go look up something later.

Melancholy Howl @explodingweasel
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Melancholy Howl @explodingweasel
lol sounds pretty strange and creepy with adult voices O.o
Yeah there isn't enough dark anime as I would like there to be :/
Ponyo was super cute! Have you seen The Secret World of Arrietty? Another good movie with a wonderful plot is Tokyo Godfathers good Christmas movie lol xD
Millennials and the strawberry generation

kaisune_kitser @kaisune_kitser
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Millennials and the strawberry generation
kaisune_kitser @kaisune_kitser
@dogejackdaniels this is probably the single most insightful thing i've ever read ._.
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kaisune_kitser @kaisune_kitser
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kaisune_kitser @kaisune_kitser
hey that worked elder_reaper :D thanks ^^