For a million dollars would you?
Max @reclaw
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
Max @reclaw
I would. Humans are nothing to me, for I am the eternal Overlord!
For one million dollars would you follow the creepy guy into the alleyway?
Veru @verucassault
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
Veru @verucassault
For a million dollars I'd give the creepy guy a handy.
For one million dollars would you stay one night in a house full of spiders? .... FULL of spiders.
Silver @silverrededge
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
Silver @silverrededge
For a million Dollar, I would Stay one night in a house full of spider as long as I dont let one bite me or freak out even a bit.
For A million dollars in Cash, Would you Let your Friends Know your inner Thoughts?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Oh my no...Not for a billion dollars.
For a million dollars, would you spend a month sleeping, instead of a bed, on a pile of Ron Jeremys? They don't move, eat, or sleep. they just stand there all night watching you sleep on them. Would you do it for a million dollars?
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Are they on their backs or stomachs? Clothes on or off(both parties, mind you)? I'd imagine he'd be comfy, albeit stinky to sleep on. And with that, I say yes. Hell, I'd do that for $100,000...possibly less. I'm cheap...
Would masturbate in a cathedral during mass for million dollars? Mind you, not just any old place, front row.
Veru @verucassault
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
Veru @verucassault
Yes, Exorcist style with a crucifix.
For a million dollars, would you participate in a medical experiment where severed limbs were attached to your body in attempt to reanimate them?
Arc @arc
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
Arc @arc
I would say no to that. I can't see any way for that experiment to do anything but go horribly wrong. Still, even if It did go right I would not enjoy walking around as an obvious freak of nature.
For a million dollars, would you make out with your own mother for two minutes with full tongue contact?
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Meh...I could do worse. But, I'm sure I could afford a little therapy. So, yeah.
Hmmm... Got crucifixes on the mind now.
Would you have sex with a clone of yourself for a million dollars?
Arc @arc
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
Arc @arc
hell, I'd have sex with myself for 100 dollars. It's like masturbation to the next level.
For a million dollars. would you lather yourself up with honey and go to a retirement home and let old people naw on you with their gummy gums until all the honey is gone and you are covered in old people saliva?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
For a million dollars would you?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Only If I can be naked while they do it
For a million dollars, would you give up your best life memory? The best moment in your life you could ever recall permanently burned out of your mind?
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