Are you ready for Valentines? *______*

Shadower @theshadower
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Shadower @theshadower
Wow my boss actually gave me V-Day off for good performance. I'm single but I'll spend it with Deadpool!

Arc @arc
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Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Arc @arc
I'm not ready for V-Day. I have a tone of e-cards to make for people on this site and I'm worried I might miss sending one to a girl expecting to get one from me and thus it will make me seem like I don't care about them D:
I guess I'll take care of the girls in my harem first and then shotgun some out to make sure I cover as much as possible. I'm one of those people who has to personalize every card he sends :P

chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
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Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
Yea i guess At least im not at high school .3. But yea Im kinda ready

lugexd @lugexd
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Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
lugexd @lugexd
I'm as ready as I can be I suppose? Since I'm single, and have nothing going on... i guess it doesn't really matter. ;-;

Verflixt @verflixt
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Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Verflixt @verflixt
We're all "connected" yet we've never been so alone, looking forward to singles awareness day.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Ready to buy myself chocolate covered strawberries I got from a bakes sale (score!) and EAT THEM ALL! By myself! You guys are totally missing out. Yasss! Also I am going to see Deadpool and eat nummy katsu curry with my sister. Best valentine's evar!

lugexd @lugexd
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Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
lugexd @lugexd
e.e strawberries are evil, so I'll pass >.> but I am seeing Deadpool today o.o

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
yaasshat @yaasshat
Saw dead pool(fantastic, by the way), had/have chocolate covered strawberries, have wine, beer, tequila, have a wonderfully loving woman, had a good meal last night, and gonna have a good one tonight. But, the best part is the after Valentine's day candy sales.;)

Rebellion @superfranky
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Rebellion @superfranky
Valentines day came to my gf first since she live on the other side of the earth lol, I still bought her flowers and chocolate, I can't send them to her but I took a picture its the best I can do lol. If we're still together next year then I'll come up with something way better.

xynox @xynox
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
xynox @xynox
That's really sweet. I'm sure she appreciated that.
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