Are you ready for Valentines? *______*

Elz @enerezu
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Elz @enerezu
Well I know its a week or three away before the much awaited valentines... But who's ready for it now? O.o
Who's gonna get a bitter or sweet chocolates for the upcoming season? *_______*

Rain @rainx
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Rain @rainx
lol its probably going to end up being another I-SAD for me! International Singles Awareness Day! XD

Elz @enerezu
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Elz @enerezu
It's independence day for me... But I will get to eat my home made chocolates xD

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I hope everyone has a hppy Lenine's y.
For all who are celebrating Valentine's Day without any "A", "V", "T", or "D".

Cero @cero
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Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

Shebang @bonfiyah
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Shebang @bonfiyah
♪Valentine's day♪
♪No Valentine dame♪
♪But I don't need game♪
♪Cause I got games♪

≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
It's just International Chocolates discount day. I'm gonna eats Choco and cuddles with my anime husbandos in the bed.

Hiatus @reicah
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Hiatus @reicah
Hah. St. Xocatl's day is just another day really. The valentines is a draggggg oh wait I have to celebrate my friend's birthday lol. Now time to eat chocolate mint //munches

polocrossebob @polocrossebob
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
polocrossebob @polocrossebob
I have never had someone to celebrate it with, so I guess this one wont be any different. I find that how we think of Valentines day to be weird considering that he was murdered in Rome for being a Christian by Claudius the second. His last words on a scrap of paper were supposedly to his sweat heart, "With love, from your Valentinius."

Namani @namaniiamani
commented on
Are you ready for Valentines? *______*
Namani @namaniiamani
Just another day passing.
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