How do you describe anime? Why you like it?

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
What is anime? Anime is a Japanese acronym referring to Japanese cartoons and animations. What's usually different from American and European cartoons and animations is the style is usually very detailed, and can sometimes be efficient in the number of frames. In most American and European ones, anything goes and they usually look sillier and wackier.
Anime can be silly and wacky sometimes, too, but in a style different from American and European ones.
My first experience with anime started with a commercial introducing anime to American audience, describing "This ain't no Mickey Mouse! This ain't no Looney Tunes! It's ANIME!" Later in the same commercial, they previewed Akira, which looks unsafe for public.
Then came MTV'S Cartoon Sushi, which featured an anime segment titled "UltraCity 6060", a small series of incorrectly, but hilariously dubbed shorts that use portions of animes. It was quite enjoyable.
While the Internet started greatly improving in recent years, I encountered many Japanese Internet memes that usually use certain animes as material for remix videos created by fans mostly for comedic purposes.
One example is my favorite anime known as Nichijou (lit. My Ordinary Life / Regular Life), animated by the pretty notable Kyoto Animation studio. It seems to be a slice of life with comedic and cute scenes. Its openings and later, endings also made me enjoy it a lot.
Despite being interesting, all the commotions of reality made me mostly watch its remix videos sometimes and feel too lazy to view a whole episode. Its remix videos made me convert them to MP3 to listen to them while settling my moods.
Anime is one of the major reasons why I love Japan.

Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
commented on
How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
Anime is just so awesome! and the reason why I love is the characters,the food, the otakuness, the storyline, and everything else!

JackTechno @jacktechno
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How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
JackTechno @jacktechno
I like anime because it's generally geared towards my age group. It's something that connects me to other young adults and I feel like I have a real connection to the characters. Besides that, I just really enjoy the good stories and the variations of the anime art style.

Rebellion @superfranky
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How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
Rebellion @superfranky
I like anime cause I grew up with it, but its the same for a bunch of other stuff that isn't anime. To me anime is a really good way to spend your free time, just like video games.

BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
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How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
I love the artwork and the voice acting and the stories and just everything. Anime is just so beautiful i wish I was living in it. Lol

etisthebest @etisthebest
commented on
How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
etisthebest @etisthebest
I like anime cause it is another world i can experience, explore and enjoy
personally, i find a lot of american cartoons smarter then anime. so much anime are cash grab with fan services. There are much less anime that are smart, thoughtful and innovative. Animes are usually more detailed, but there are plenty of cartoons that have great artworks and details, such as Avatar.
Anime industry seems to be going downhill a lot for a while. i want anime to get better, but we need to be harsh on it, so we can have better shows that just aren't ONLY filled with boobs and panties..

carnevalobscura @carnevalobscura
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How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
carnevalobscura @carnevalobscura
Well american animation does not have much creativity at all. A man who is super, what's his name?
And American cartoon or comic is more based on american culture.however, anime had evolved a lot. Such as 1997 the release of dragon ball z, nowadays anime like guilty crown or ore no monogatari very different.
But americans has the same character and remastered over and over again. Such as batman.

Monch21 @monch21
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How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
Monch21 @monch21
I would define anime as, cartoons created in Japan that tell diferent types of stories but, that there are variety of stories that can attract any age audience. I love it because of the drama, action, fantasy, adventure, and inspiration it gives me. It´s very entertaining to follow along with the story.

neeto @neet_one
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How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
neeto @neet_one
1. I describe anime as Chinese porn cartoons.
2. It's moe.

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
How do you describe anime? Why you like it?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Well, anime has always been something I love - the art, voice acting, music, stories, characters and what-not are great. When you have parents as geeky as mine who got me to watch Dragonball Z from a young age, the rest just comes naturally.
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