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Why Otakus Make Great Boyfriends

Jan 06, 16 at 7:12pm
at least most of us arnt annoying and are were down to earth
Jan 06, 16 at 7:45pm
To me, if otaku make for better relationships, it's not because of the anime they watch, but because of what kind of pepole otaku tend to be. As more mainstream and accepted nerd and geek culture is, there's still somewhat of a stigma out there that people who obsess over anime, video games, etc are considered basement dwelling losers who have no lives, and as such may get picked on because of their fandom or because of being more socially awkward and introverted in general. This in turn, as they grow up, gives them a bit more empathy and sympathy for others because they too have been down the bullying road before and don't want to be complete douchebags to other people. Not saying this is true all the time, but I could see a bit of a correlation to being a fan, being a nicer person overall and in turn, being a better person for a relationship, albeit admittedly it's an indirect one.
If anything the fact that they'd betray you for an imaginary girl would be hurtful (or guy/thing, I don't know what their preferences might be). https://fantasticmemes.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/e6ajktl1.jpg
Jan 06, 16 at 10:34pm
ive never been in love with a 2d girl. thats weird
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A (real)Otaku would make for a horrible boyfriend. They're likely to prioritize their obsession over you.
^ Someone gets it.
http://www.maiotaku.com/mytopics/561/mytopics/24278 ^ The OP in the topic in this link pretty much hit the nail on the head about otakus in general, guy or girl.
Jan 07, 16 at 3:12pm
We are born as people, not otaku. Personalities are not limited to a culture, so I can't say that being an otaku gives you +1 to understanding. We observe behavior, from there we can understand and empathize. I honestly think that Yaass already nailed the topic though, so I won't get further into it.
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