uh, hi...

wadoru_san @wadoru_san
uh, hi...
wadoru_san @wadoru_san
hello, I'm wadoru arekusanda. I'm kinda new with computers and I'm still not sure how the internet works(and I'm shy), but to whoever sees this hi! ^-^

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
uh, hi...
JackTechno @jacktechno
Hi Wadoru! Almost everyone on here says that they are a little shy, but this is a pretty friendly community, so I'm sure you'll find your groove soon enough. Welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay.

wadoru_san @wadoru_san
commented on
uh, hi...
wadoru_san @wadoru_san
thanks, my area isn't otaku friendly. it's good to be with my own kind (lol)

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
uh, hi...
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Welcome to MO! Like Jackson said you'll be fine here:3

wadoru_san @wadoru_san
commented on
uh, hi...
wadoru_san @wadoru_san
thanks, wertingman ^-^

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
uh, hi...
Nakama @jacob1

wadoru_san @wadoru_san
commented on
uh, hi...
wadoru_san @wadoru_san
thanks, konoe_san =^-^=

hentaimasterlonewolf9000 @hentaimasterlonewolf9000
commented on
uh, hi...
hentaimasterlonewolf9000 @hentaimasterlonewolf9000

wadoru_san @wadoru_san
commented on
uh, hi...
wadoru_san @wadoru_san
hello ^^
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