Anime Banzai '12 Anyone?

gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
Anime Banzai '12 Anyone?
gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
I'm curious to see if we have any nerds attending Banzai this year in October. I go every year :3 And I'm always happy to rant about it (Especially thanks to my recent flare-up of con-withdrawal) And if you are going, what events or panels are you planning on? And of course, are you cosplaying? In a perfect world, I'm planning a Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy XIII), Ganta Igarashi (Deadman Wonderland), and possibly a Sora (Kingdom Hearts II) cosplay myself. So, you?

caramyu @caramyu
commented on
Anime Banzai '12 Anyone?
caramyu @caramyu
Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm going!! I've been going every year - but sadly, this may be my last Banzai for a while ; w;
I'm planning to cosplay Twilight Sparkle with my friends (our last big goofy thing before we all go our separate ways), possibly Serah Farron (XIII), Lenalee, and occasionally Nunnally. I'm so pumped for this year - I've never really done much at a convention before - I'm usually the pack mule/make-up-artist/alarm clock for my friends, but this year, I'll get to go and see things! Though I don't know what just yet... But I'll get to!
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