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blackmateria @blackmateria
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blackmateria @blackmateria
hey, man let's chat sometime get to know each other better more

Crobi @noire
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Crobi @noire
Hey~! Welcome to the site! :)
The Attractiveness Effect

gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
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The Attractiveness Effect
gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
Yeah, I'd say that I get a little intimidated when I think that someone is attractive. I usually don't feel very confident around them, maybe because I don't have an overwhelming self esteem.
Tiny Things That Make Me /Ragequit.

gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
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Tiny Things That Make Me /Ragequit.
gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
I'm the same way with 'Kawaii,' and 'kowai,'
Hah, but it rather makes me laugh when people make that mistake.