ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
voss @chill1000
ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
voss @chill1000
Hi people i want your opinions on the music video ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市 Here the link to the video :
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
A fantastic audio-visual project that's clearly laden with heavy symbolisms about abandonment and obsession. (b'-')b
AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
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ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
loved it. it's that special sort of unusual that i cant help but love. plus the symbolism (which i'm pretty sure is alluding to Otaku culture as a whole) just came off as being fantastic and genius.
neeto @neet_one
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ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
neeto @neet_one
Cool vid OP.
xxx @__removed_uguubox
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ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
xxx @__removed_uguubox
everything about Me Me Me is good.
Edtastic @edtastic
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ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
Edtastic @edtastic
Here's a video explaining it.
Gudmoore @gudmoore
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ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
Gudmoore @gudmoore
My opinion is that it isn't acid friendly. At all.
chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
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ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
okay I think I'm on drugs
robicho @robicho
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ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
robicho @robicho
It was interesting.
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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ME!ME!ME! - 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
I think my eye balls threw up when I was watching that video #( The meaning is pretty straight foward.
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