(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay

kleverbear @kleverbear
(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
kleverbear @kleverbear
So I had a conversation with a friend last night, he likes the idea of harems (watching Freezing) but not polyamory (similar IRL).
So whats the deal here, I you had the chance to be in a love but part of harem would you take it?
Me, I am in one.

xynox @xynox
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(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
xynox @xynox
However, I don't mind people who are in poly relationships. If everyone is happy idgaf.

xxx @__removed_uguubox
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(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
xxx @__removed_uguubox
lmao like one dude gets to fuck like 5 girls but they can only fuck him
nah get the fuck out of here

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Wait, one dude gets to fuck like 5 girls but they can only fuck him?
Isn't that just a regular harem?

xynox @xynox
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(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
xynox @xynox
I thought OP was also referring to reverse (1 chick, many dudes).

kleverbear @kleverbear
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(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
kleverbear @kleverbear
xynox you are correct, its either 5 gals on 1 guy or 5 guys to 1 gal.
MainichiMaidCafe, how about you both get another partner? so like you get 2 and your SO gets 2 as well?
I'm curios to know how you guys feel about it.

favoritedream @favoritedream
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(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
favoritedream @favoritedream
I don't care. But through experience Ich don't think there is a future for a happy relationship in those. ;D

xypho @xypho
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(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
xypho @xypho
This account has been suspended.

Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
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(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
...nope ^u^ I think a relationship of any kind of love relation shouldn't be something you need others for~ so as for a harem, I don't like them because it promotes somewhat unfaithfulness. Unless it's just a case of where one guy does actually love just one girl; and he's just being followed for reasons he doesn't know. But being blatantly apart of it..? I can't condone it ;u;
As far as poly... I mean.. If you love everyone and everyone loves everyone else who am I to say it's wrong? o.o
That's just me though ^u^ I've had an opportunity to have more than one girl at once, but I absolutely couldn't do that to them or myself. No one deserves to feel like they aren't enough for the one they love ^u^

yaasshat @yaasshat
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(Reverse)Harems, yay or nay
yaasshat @yaasshat
Couldn't do it. I'm way to jealous and way to committed for the affection and giving of affection to one.
I feel like these fantasies and real life situations are a bit self serving and show no restraint. But, what the he'll do I know?
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