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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

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Virgin males who are "old" enough except some special people like monks are ridiculed in most societies...Laws of nature applied to human society... I am indifferent. I don't care if they are virgin or not as long as they are mentally healthy. Many older virgin males are bitter...
Probably bitter because of the general public influence on this matter. but that's my guess.
@ohnoes *How are males who haven't had sex not virgins?* The word "Virgin" is a feminine word. It's a word that only applies to women. If you're a guy and you're calling yourself a virgin, then you're making yourself sound look like a woman. No offense. Why? You telling males that they must have a hymen, and needed to get penetrated or should I say "fucked" in order to take their virginity. Males don't have a hymen, therefore they don't bleed once they got penetrated. So you basically saying that you want a dude to fuck another dude in the ass. Even If you want to go by the English dictionary you using, every time when a man have sex with a woman, he bust a nut. That goes for men who ever masturbated, because that would mean he took his own virginity already, which makes no sense he never born a virgin. I don't use the English dictionary... READ THIS: [So Men in Maiotaku, if you never have sex with a woman, just say you never have sex with a woman.]
Language is arbitrary...and that's it. Words means what society accepts they mean, that's why the dictionary is the most valid argument. Your way of thinking is a large minority, that's for sure.
童貞/どうてい/doutei Is this word which is from many people's favourite foreign language okay? Yeah..language is arbitrary. Its meaning:どう てい [0] 【童貞】 ① 男性が、まだ女性と肉体的交渉の経験をもっていないこと。また、その男性。 「 -を失う」 ② カトリック教会における修道女。
Experienced males and virgin males are equally attractive in their own sense. Men often feel that their cherry is in need of popping before a certain age but in truth, women do not care. Do you truly believe that your virginity is the break or make factor towards a long lasting relationship? Those that do are not worth the effort and probably looking for a quick fling.
Ever, Again, virginity has NOTHING to do with having a hymen. Virgin soil, virgin land, virgin waters...etc What do those things have in common? They're untouched and "pure". Also, not all women bleed thier first time, the hymen can break in numerous ways and sex is not the only way. Hell, the hymen can be broken by masturbating. Not to mention, some dont have a hymen. Hymens can even grow back. What then, are they newly virgin? So, can a woman lose her own virginity to herself? According to your definition, yes. Virginity is just a catch all term for untouched or chaste. What else do you call a Male that has never had sex with anyone? Unsexed? I think on some level it's just that thinking men can be virgins, that makes you feel emasculated. Thing is, it really doesn't matter what your opinion is, I gave the actual definition of the word. You're right though, the ORIGINAL definition pertained only to women(Mainly in a religious context.), but the modern definition is for BOTH sexes. But, I won't go into etymology, ya know, since you dont use english dictionaries.
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Women are evil manipulative witches that only live to cause pain and misery :3
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