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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

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@ohnoes You're a man. You don't have a hymen. You don't have a virginity. There's no signs that can tell if you're a virgin or not, because you're a man. Stop listening what the media said or whatever shows you watched. Because to me, you sound like a emasculated male. No woman is going to take your virginity because you don't have one. Look at this song by Madonna? http://youtu.be/s__rX_WL100 During her song. She talked about being touched for the first time, meaning fucked. She didn't even talked a Man being a virgin but herself. You need to wake up. What else do you call a Male that has never had sex with anyone? A guy who never had a with a woman. It's that simple. You also said that some don't have a hymen. Hymens can even grow back. Who told you that nonsense? Hymen is like a seal, and once the seal has been broken, it's no longer sealed anymore, and you bleed. I can think of few ways if her hymen is broken. One, she must have sex with a man. Man penetrated her and broke her hymen. she'll bleed a lot or just a little bit, therefore her virginity is taken by the man. Two, if she don't bleed for the first time, then there's a chance that she been sexually playing with herself with sex toys and objects like dildos while watching porn or daydreaming about some guy she likes, which cause her to bleed. *You're right though, the ORIGINAL definition pertained only to women(Mainly in a religious context.), but the modern definition is for BOTH sexes.* Then, logically, men have to get penetrated (i.e. fucked) to order to take their so-called virginities. And that sounds very homosexual. Same goes for you too, @Muffin.
@Whisp No, you just clearly that you're under the influence by the culture that don't really give a damn about men. @Otakaiser And I should listen to this anime blond young lady who is clearly uneducated because....
Somebody is better at sophistry with guys than normal conversations with girls heh.
Ever, "Like a virgin, touched for the very first time." Seems like a pretty straight forward definition and exactly what I've been saying. Glad you clarified by using Madonna. You do you and I'll deal with reality.
So this dude criticizes others for following what the media says, but then uses a Madonna song in a horribly flawed attempt to reinforce his own point? Lol the tiny scrap of credibility he had just went straight out the window xD Also, why is the guy that wears earrings saying other guys are feminine for the choices they make?
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