What a typical anime high school needs?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
What a typical anime high school needs?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Alright, I managed to put Fallout 4 down for a second.
So I've been conceptualizing an idea for a sort of sandbox simulation game for the oculus rift for quite a while now which plays somewhere between the lines of a Telltale game and Harvest Moon where the player can choose from a selection of stock anime personalities, tropes, and archetypes (From both shoujo and shonen personality tropes) that completely changes the way he/she interacts with NPCs in dialogue. The player will live out an entire year in a fairly generic anime high school, join whatever club he/she wants, and pursue friendships, relationships, and perhaps discover a myriad of hidden secrets while exploring around the town and campus. And regardless of whether a project like this is too ambitious or even ever attempted seriously, I think designing and brainstorming it is fun.
But one mind alone can be limited in conceptualizing ideas like this. Obviously no two minds are going to interoperate one concept exactly the same way. So to help me broaden my perspectives, I'm gathering a bit of data on what everyone thinks a typical anime high school life needs.
This really is just for fun, but I would like a balance of many tropes in the general slice of life, shoujo, shonen and moe genres. At the very least, you should be able to find or play as any type of character and its male equivalent from this list:
But lets put aside a hypothetical game idea right now and get on topic.
What are the sorts of CHARACTERS, CLUBS, PLACES, EVENTS, and ACTIVITIES that, in your opinion, any generic anime high school worth its salt needs?
Feel free to be as specific or vague as possible, I'm really curious to hear as many opinions as possible.
Daggera @daggera
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What a typical anime high school needs?
Daggera @daggera
Chocopyro, for the love of God, make this happen!! >_<;
I mean *cough cough* that sounds ok, no rush or anything.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
What a typical anime high school needs?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I make no commitments until I have enough gameplay assets to make a proof of concept demo and throw together a kickstarter campaign. ^_^;
But thanks, Dag. Any ideas?
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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What a typical anime high school needs?
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
The LOL! girl looks like a young "Sanae Furukawa," if you change the eyes. Sanae Furukawa is basically a "LOL" girl anyway.
except, for the young part. XD
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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What a typical anime high school needs?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Air and Clannad are both made by Key, so similarities in character designs shouldn't too surprising.
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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What a typical anime high school needs?
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Needs moar gyaru.
neeto @neet_one
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What a typical anime high school needs?
neeto @neet_one
Only thing that needs more gyaru is the inside of a volcano.
darkhorse @darkhorse
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What a typical anime high school needs?
darkhorse @darkhorse
I have an honest question:
Does a good anime need to necessarily conform to the tropes of characters, like those in the spread sheet? I like characters who fit the profiles, but can't the setting be a little different? Like, fantasy or sci-fi, or post-apocalyptic (I know these are standards in anime), but the focus not be on the setting, but characters?
You could put a high school setting anywhere in any anime genre. But characters need not be stagnant or remain in one personality type. They could possess multiple layers of personality, like regular people. The setting may be different, but perhaps I'd like to see a high school (or college) in an anime, regardless of scenario, where the focus is one common, but unique characters we can relate to.
Like characters who possess elements found in everyday life. The focus then isn't necessarily the setting or commonality the characters appear to have, but what they actually do. How they react to the conflict.
You could take a character more on the shy side who stands up to a bully. Or a know it all who is humbled by another character. The problem with a lot of anime with high school settings is that they never develop fully or as well as they could be. It's the character building- like a great novel.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
What a typical anime high school needs?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
A valid question. Here's my answer.
Under ordinary circumstances, absolutely not. Believe it or not, its easier for me to write characters outside of the typical molds, but the nature of this project is very different from what I normally write. My first priority of this project is to try to meet the general expectations that someone has when they think of an anime high school setting, and to start there, I'm attempting to explore exactly what that is. And true, once I have a firm understanding of "WHAT" types of characters I want to put in the project, thats when I will expand them more deeply than what their general parameters might appear. AKA, humanizing them more. Filling in who they are, what they like to eat, what their home lives are like, how that shapes them, and what they hold dear to them. Exploration is a fun part of any open world game, so why should that not be true for the individual characters as well? As you said, the key is to layer them so they appear like "The typical tsundere" at first, and by the time you really get to know them, think of them more like individual humans... With exaggerated, over the top personalities and quirks of course. As for the setting, I want to design that the same general way. Where it looks and feels normal at first, but depending on what club you join, the genre and themes shift, and different lights are shed over the nature of the otherwise fairly familiar and generic setting. For example, the school and surrounding town are going to look very different depending on whether you join an occult club as opposed to any athletic clubs. A member of the cooking club will pass that creepy neglected shrine and the tree that the kendo members cherish having picnics under during their breaks without much thought. But he does see the pride of his club, the kitchen, as an honor to work in, and deserving of respect, cleanliness, and maintenance because he and his club have many fond memories in there. A science club member however sees the failed dishes produced by this dysfunctional sausage fest club of wanabe pretty boy chefs who can't cook as a way to benefit humanity. For clearly something inorganic that twitches, writhes, belches, and responds to external stimuli must be contained and studied, for it may house the secrets to synthetic life.
I hope that answers your question and/or concerns.
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