Trans/Non-Binary Genders--

RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager
Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager
You are awesome ^^ You are amazing. You are valid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, alright?

xxx @__removed_uguubox
commented on
Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
xxx @__removed_uguubox
hell YEAH

RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager
commented on
Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager

Nakama @jacob1
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Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
Nakama @jacob1
Go for it dude, your awesome!

Hanayo Koizumi @allesabe
commented on
Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
Hanayo Koizumi @allesabe
This cheered me up honestly.. Been unsure of my gender since like middle school and I dont classify myself as one or the other but I go with any pronoun. If you call me a she, go for it, same with a he. Ahh sick of people saying Genderfluid and non-binary isn't a thing,

RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager
commented on
Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager
^^ I'm glad this was able to cheer you up! I've been seeing some negativity (one post in particular) and thought that the trans folk on this site needed a bit of cheering up/positivity.

Hanayo Koizumi @allesabe
commented on
Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
Hanayo Koizumi @allesabe
Yeah I saw that post and it really hurt me, no need to put others down because of your opinion. Should of kept it to themselves. They do need it, my best friend is trans and he gets so much hate and so many people use the wrong pronoun and hurt him. It's sad

Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
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Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
Oh fuck you all. I never said anything negative about trans people. Just special tumblr snowflakes.

RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager
commented on
Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager
Consider yourself reported :)

Hanayo Koizumi @allesabe
commented on
Trans/Non-Binary Genders--
Hanayo Koizumi @allesabe
Wow that person was rude
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