Book Smarts vs Street Smarts
MentalChirashi @mentalchirashi
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Book Smarts vs Street Smarts
MentalChirashi @mentalchirashi
If you think about it reaaaallly meta, technically some "book smarts" are essentially street smarts too because of practicality and everyday use. Like how basic mental math will save your butt at work when the shifty guy on the other end of your register is trying to hustle you for change.
(The other way around, street smarts as book smarts, can also be the case when you look at statistical research of certain decision-making patterns, but it tends to be... situational...?)
Maintain @maintain
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Book Smarts vs Street Smarts
Maintain @maintain
Street smarts and I'll just use Google for the book smarts stuff.
Veru @verucassault
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Book Smarts vs Street Smarts
Veru @verucassault
Book smarts. Every time I've met someone who claimed to be street smart, they were still stupid. No offense people. LOL
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