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Magical Girl Animes

Could somebody tell me some of their recommendations for Magical Girl animes? I've heard of the genre before, but I've never seen it before, so something that can serve as an intro to the genre would be great! Also, you can check my anime list on my profile if that helps!
Oct 29, 15 at 3:36pm
Here's the full list on 2 different sites... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/search/genreresults?w=series&from=&to=&lic=&th=magical+girls|magical+girl&o=rating http://myanimelist.net/anime/genre/16
Oct 29, 15 at 4:11pm
Try Cardcaptor Sakura or sailor moon, they're a good place to start and work decently as entry level series. There's plenty of decent Mahou Shoujo anime around that time period but if you feel like moving onto more modern stuff you can check out precure or Shugo Chara. From there you can go onto less mainstream things like Nanoha ,Nanatsu-iro, or Pleiades to name a few. Fyi a lot of stuff on the lists above aren't really Mahou Shoujo. Some of it's parodies/deconstructs of Mahou Shoujo and some of them have little to nothing to do with the genre at all.
Oct 30, 15 at 11:09pm
No suggestions for Puella Magi Madoka Magica? But she's in my top five magic users whom I'd summon to save the world.
princess tutu
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! @neet-one: I've started watching Cardcaptor Sakura, and it's looking pretty good so far! I'm gonna have to check all of the suggestions I've gotten here!
Nov 04, 15 at 1:39pm
rOBSCENE-pie, like I said "Some of it's parodies/deconstructs of Mahou Shoujo"
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