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I'm pretty sure I'm alive?

Hey! I'm new, bored, and possibly crazy... So, how is everyone else?! Anything exciting? Is there anyone else out there that is pretty sure they are alive???
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O.o OMG no!!! But what about the cabbage farmer from Avatar: The last Air Bender... You will be sold into slavery then eaten by hungry humans!!!!
Oct 26, 15 at 2:47pm
Or worhsipped in a parallel university, where cabbage is considered a holy plant. I'm not sure if I'm alive. Maybe this is just the dream of a lost soul.
Or we are all are not really alive...just the imagination of a cabbage....who decided there should be more life in the universe...
Cabbage is life but you know what is better than cabbage? Onions...they have layer http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/726/480/51f.jpg Welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
I dunno what's wrong with you guys but if we exist on a three dimensional space and we can alterate its existence forms that means we are alive... At least in this dimension, no matter who created us. Welcome to the site!
The cabbages rival the goat...will concur with all those statements
Cabbages are goat....(greatest.of.all.time)
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