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I'm pretty sure I'm alive?

I stepped away to feed my grandma and THIS happens XD Or maybe we are the life the cabbage wished it had before being confronted by a goat in their eternal battle between brassica and hircum
The notification system for this site kinda sucks... I was notified AFTER already checked everything that there was something new... >3< damn thee, thout speed is a disgrace I say!
Hello new person~! { ^o^}/ Please enjoy your stay and ignore any broken pokeballs you see laying around.
Yeah the notification system sucks http://cilisos.my/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/but-wait-theres-more.jpg?8f2c00 You dont even get a notification for people commenting on your page. So you have to actually look on your feed or visit your page to see if they did
This account has been suspended.
That's... *sigh* Very sad... On a side note... My dog thinks she's a cat... No... She IS a cat... Only in the body of a dog... This little shit...
@Donnie your a magician O.O i dont even get any notifications....like none whatsoever
Not the first dog o have heard being like that xD
I also get notifications... >.> just saying
Did all the people who joined recently get an update like that or something?
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