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That would be nice to know ^.^ seeing how I don't really know anyone here~
Haha u say that But I still ship it
The sun was setting, casting a pink and purple hue across the rolling hills. The change to Autumn gave way with the leaves billowing and skittering across the pavement as the car followed the winding roads. The passengers were restless, as it was the end of the week, ready to burn off steam and relax.. finally. Cotton was bouncing up and down in his seat with excitement, a permanent grin and expression of wonderment fixed to his face. “I wonder who all’s going to be at the party?!” Lux glanced at Cotton briefly in the rearview mirror, “Try to keep yourself contained. We’ll be there soon enough.” Arc handled a copy of the invitation they had all received. “I don’t know if much excitement is warranted for a dinner party, Frost. Although, the invitation is sort of mysterious.” The letter contained a location, date, and time, but did not say who the sender was, nor the host of the party. “Maybe there will be a ton of cute girls,” Misaka said, mirroring Cotton’s excitement. “Oh! And snacks. Yes, chicks and snacks.” Nearly an hour later, they arrived at their destination, Fairfax Gardens. A small, colonial style mansion with a backdrop of rolling hills. A car had already arrived before them. They bounded up to the door. Cotton unable to contain his excitement, rang the doorbell. Then rang it again… and again. The door jerked open suddenly and Cotton shrank back at whoever opened it. “Well hello my fair asses. What took you so long?” asked Maria as she swiped her hand inviting them inside. They entered and saw Panda, Gameez, Matt, little sunflower & Luna. “Maria, your home is amazing,” Lux said turning around in admiration. Maria was confused, “Ah, this isn’t my house. I just wanted to stop idiot from ringing the doorbell. When we arrived there was a small sign on the door inviting us in and to make ourselves at home and to expect dinner to be served on time.” Lux then looked over the first group again and gulped, giving a side glance to Arc who instantly read his mind. They were both wondering who had to ride in the trunk. Then in the distance, a bell chimed gently. “Must be dinner. Maybe now we can find out who the host of the party is.” Maria strolled off, the others following. The dining room was extravagant. A long table set already. Name cards with scrolls and calligraphy directed the guests where they were sitting. The door to the kitchen opened then, backing through with a ginormous bird was Veru.. wearing a ridiculously poofy chef hat. “Hey guys! Sorry I couldn’t greet you at the door. I was trying to rush so dinner was on time.” Arc looked at the table and then at Veru. “Now this makes sense.” She cheesed at him. “Right. Well my employer did say I could use the home as I wished while I was staying here. I’ve been here for weeks documenting and cataloguing all the guy’s relics and artifacts just so we can get them to the museum on time. I got bored. I wanted to have some people over. So, let’s eat.” The party dug in, casual banter filled the room while the mystery of the evening receded along with the light of day. Sunflower and Luna were sitting next to each other, delicately feeding each other off their plates. Maria, with Gameez and Matt on either side of her, eating casually while she, with pleasure, cut into a fleshy part of meat as Panda watched with a raised eyebrow. Cotton and Misaka, play-fighting with their butter knifes. Lux smiling and eating greedily with drumsticks in both hands. Arc, holding his glass up and swirling it with interest. “What is this we are drinking? It’s fruity but kinda creamy as well.” Veru replied, “I’m not sure. I just grabbed a couple of bottles and that happened to be the first one I opened up. It didn’t even have a label on it. Tastes good though,” she took a sip. After dinner they retired to the living room and set up for their favorite game of Truth or Dare. At various intervals sunflower broke out her rolling suitcase with make up and fem cosplay, dressing up the boys at any chance she had. Maria used Matt as a chair for an entire round. Cotton dancing around like a chicken with pigtails started to sway a little. Everyone was laughing, but slowly their eyes started to droop and their bodies lean. Cotton fell to the floor with a resounding thud, which was the last thing they heard before they all succumbed to darkness. Lux woke with a start, vision blurry, he opened his eyes. Rubbing them didn’t seem to be working. Waking up was never really a problem for him, and he couldn’t remember the last time he had drank until he passed out he thought as he half walked, half stumbled to the bathroom. He turned the facet handle, letting the cool water run over his hands and finger tips, splashed his face a couple of times. Grabbing a towel and wiping the excess water from his face. He opened his eyes again, vision cleared up some. He could see the fine woven threads. He then looked in the mirror and yelped. The person staring back at him was not himself.. at least, not physically. He was staring at the figure of a woman, tall and solidly built. http://orig05.deviantart.net/d981/f/2012/056/b/e/inu_x_boku_ss_nobara_yukinokouji_icon_by_ai_ayama-d4qw1dr.jpg “Oh what the hell? VERUCA!” he growled. A couple seconds later there was a tap on the door. “Lux?” She cracked the door as he asked, “What the hell did you do …” he stopped suddenly when he saw her. http://40.media.tumblr.com/50d6b474cde3458a22cf0eecc26481e9/tumblr_mv4sihnFeo1svg1zao1_500.jpg She saw him and started to giggle… then laugh hysterically. This angered Lux, releasing him of his confusion. “How is this funny?” Holding her side and wiping away a tear she said, “The situation isn’t funny, no. But it just occurred to me how far away you are from looking like Arnold. HAHA!” http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/46/d0/a6/46d0a699e79ad478eb5bdf3edd92b9e4.jpg Panda, crawled near the door and peaked around the edge of the door. “It could be worse, Lux. At least you’re cute. Just try to stay calm while we figure this out.” The three joined back in the living room. Not everyone was accounted for. Luna was doing his best to comfort sunflower by dressing in her girliest cosplay with ruffles and bows. http://stuffpoint.com/anime-paradise/image/21970-anime-paradise-cute-couple-dance.jpg Taking a cue from Luna, Cotton and Misaka had already changed into girl outfits as well, and acclimating to their new bodies surprisingly well. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ubrletEXuZY/TnHD7Nx4FCI/AAAAAAAAAHk/ahM97IEFezk/s1600/anime%2Bgirls_cute.jpg Suddenly there was a crash and a flapping of fabric. The person who just walked in could be none other than Maria. http://i48.tinypic.com/29zet6h.gif Behind her was a sight, no a spectacle. She had wasted no time in asserting authority over both Gameez and Matt. http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/75/74/44407475/photos/Rezi-Complete-Works/54315.jpg “Where’s Arc?” asked Lux. Maria shrugged, “he was headed to the kitchen when I saw him. I’m betting that’s where the crash came from. My torture mechanics are sturdy.” She demonstrated by tugging a chain at which point both Gameez and Matt winced. She continued toying with her new play things as Lux, Veru, and Panda passed. They arrived at the kitchen but saw nothing at first, then heard a gentle lapping. Behind the center cabinet island was Arc. http://www.wallpapersis.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Girl-Cat-Ears-Tail-Milk.jpg “Well I found the bottle you were talking about and I think I solved the mystery.” He got up, adjusting his maid cosplay. He grabbed a box , set it in front of the trio, and removed the lid. Inside was an old bottle resembling horrible ancient fertility statues. Veru picked the bottle up and saw a fissure near the top, stretching down to middle of the container. Arc read a piece of paper inside the box, “Potion of Transmogrification. I think this is what was in the bottle with no label.” Veru responded, “My boss must have removed the potion and stored it for safe keeping. A relic of this nature, he would have definitely sent it off to see if the crack could be fixed. He must have forgotten to send it.” Veru’s face turned dark and serious. Lux didn’t like the looks of it, “How much do you know Veru? Spill it.” Panda standing, listening intently while still chewing on his dumpling. “Lux,” she said calmly… “There’s no known reversal to this potion.” ----The abrupt and very awkward end.
Note to self: Never consume anything Veru gives me. LOL Funny story veru good job.
Oct 25, 15 at 5:47pm
Damn I am one sexy catgirl! :3 Please make a part 2, veru! I'm assuming the one in the most bondage gear was Gamzee, right?
Hahahaha, well, that's a start!! I'm not gay in this one! And it seems like I'm the authority figure in this story. So my rating is an elephant out of a scale from amphibian to zebra (you guys figure it out)
Lol omg I'm always the Sadist thank God.
NOOOOOO, I don't think I want a part two. Leave it at this ending, at least we are all good looking and female. I don't want the opposite to happen in part two......
Lol if you played Fable 2 and got through the crypt at Fairfax, you know what happens. Fable auto saves...
Hahahahaha, I did that, I was so mad too!!!!! Played through the entire game and then drank a mysterious potion. I was this buff bad ass warrior - and then I became a very thick woman!!! And I hadn't saved any time recently before that.... Oh man!!
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