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Cotton runs very far away from this thread as these stories seemed very inaccurate xD https://33.media.tumblr.com/77c2d6878792f9284876c9ef6b8c4615/tumblr_mpvud8wGIz1r69t7wo1_500.gif
They are...they are.
I'm making some coffee and then I'm gonna sit down and do some writing - so expect the first installment in 30 minutes to an hour.
Ohhhh man~ Everyone get ready.
Oct 25, 15 at 2:53pm
lux you liar! >_> Get off your muscly ass and finish the story already!
5 minutes, it's taking a little longer than I thought it would... And it definitely won't be finished, I have a problem when it comes to fiction. I end up taking it way too seriously and I end up writing way more than I had planned too....
We had to write a short story for 12th grade English - mine was 12 pages long....
Hah! Sounds like me~ I always right too much.
Chapter One: The Inn and Old Friends When he reached the inn, dusk was approaching as the sun was far into it's descent. The crimson hue left by the fading sun cast large shadows across the small village. Pennbrook was home to only a few dozen houses, yet the stately inn is what brought outsiders into the otherwise peaceful village. He rode his steed along the narrow path towards the illuminated inn. It seemed eerily still on this night. In the past, when venturing into Pennbrook, the inn was full of the bustling of waitresses and the sometimes loud merriment of the guests. Yet tonight, as he neared the front of the wooden building, no sound was heard from within. He glanced at the large emerald plate above the entrance that read, "The Pale Horse," before he turned in his saddle. The door suddenly opened, and from the dull glow of the inn, a slender figure appeared. In his hand he held a mug that he was hastily drying with a dirty cloth. "Luxus, you are expected." His raspy voice came as a shock in the still nights air. "I'll get someone lead Frost and Arc to the stables. Come in, come in, we need to talk." The innkeeper motioned for someone inside. Quickly, another figure appeared, this one smaller and carrying more weight about his midsection. "Sweez, lead the animals out back would ya, and make it snappy." With that, Luxus slid off his horse, his leather boots leaving a cloud of dust erupt from the earth when they touched ground. The horse grunted softly next to Luxus's ear. "It's okay Frost, you can trust them. We are out of trouble for the moment." With that, Luxus leaned closer to the steed's ear and whispered, "but keep your defensives up. You and I both know something is out of place here." The horse stamped his hoof in agreement, and Luxus gently ruffled the deep blue hair that fell along the steed's neck. Frost was one of the first gifts he had recieved from his father, a souvenir from one of his travels to distant shores. He was a winter steed from one of the cities in the North, able to withstand even the coldest of temperatures. Some say they even hold greater power, but because of the extreme rarity of such animals, no one knows for certain if it exists. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d9/aa/7a/d9aa7a974f3199a42da02e47eb01a15d.jpg Luxus was broken out of his reminiscing as something soft nudged against his leg. He looked down to his another of his father's gift laying at his side. It's tail swaying gently back and forth as it waiting for his master's command. This time, it seemed like ages ago now, his father had brought back a small kitten. What separated this animal from any of it's kind was the fur; it was a dark crimson red, with a long black streak that ran along it's jawline and up past it's eyes. It had now grown to the size of boar, muscles could visibly be seen whenever the cat moved. Luxus knelt down besides the cat and ran his hands along it's back. "It's okay Arc. You get to have some rest now. I heard they have some nice steaks here." At that, Arc let out a deep purr as it picked itself up off the ground. http://www.umnet.com/pic/diy/screensaver/3/PANTHER-IN-RED--33425.jpg Turning to the innkeeper, Luxus spoke softly, "Donnie, it's been a long time. Five years hasn't it been." A smile crept across his face as he thought back to their childhood misadventures of chasing skirts and causing mayhem across the village. Luxus reached out and took the innkeeper's hand in his own, giving it a brief shake. The innkeeper Donnie replied, "we can catch up later. Right now's not the time; we have a visitor that seems to be expecting you." Donnie led Luxus through the threshold an into the dimly lit inn, leaving the bewildered servant boy wondering what to do with such rare animals. Donnie shut the door behind them, and then motoned towards the dining room. "This is where I leave you, I have too much to finish tonight." Curious, Luxus began to walk towards the dining hall, his boots making dull thuds as they hit wood, leaving a trail of dirt in their wake. As he entered the dining hall, he noticed how empty it was, all save one figure sitting at a table at the far corner of the room. She was wearing a dark green robe that hid most of her body. He arms were crossed in front of her as she gazed ahead. Their eyes met, and Luxus realized just how radiant this woman was. Her auburn hair fell in waves about her head; it was all in stark contrast to the creamy pale complexion of her face. Her eyes were a vibrant blue, almost intoxicated. In front of her on the dusty oak table sat a magnificently intricate crystal orb. With a nod of her head, she motioned for Luxus to sit int the seat directly across from her. Cautiously, he began to traverse the room. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ZQvmMrt5VHk/S65tlYKXOxI/AAAAAAAAADo/5PCeRsV5nFk/S660/Eliza.png To find out who this is and what adventures await our hero, make sure to tune in to the next exciting installment!
Hahahaha, finally done! If you aren't included in this one, don't worry, you will definitely be included in future installments. And I am always open to ideas as well!
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