Maiotaku members fanfiction
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Once upon a time there was a girl named Forgottenillusion. She was forgotten. THE END.
✠Grimoire✠ @gamzgamz
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
✠Grimoire✠ @gamzgamz
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
haha Arc ur not
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Late post is late. Get early.
♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
So...Much....Fan Fiction..... Sunflower lol you had me drunk trying to confess to Mariana?! XD haha
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
So Sunflower is a type of vodka. -Takes note-
Ceilno @forgottendream
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
Ceilno @forgottendream
Q.Q whatever why am i trying
Veru @verucassault
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
Veru @verucassault
If I have time I might write one. I wasn't going to because it's not something I would normally write... but I just focused on a theme that hasn't played out yet and it's giving me ideas.
✠Grimoire✠ @gamzgamz
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
✠Grimoire✠ @gamzgamz
And what's that?
Red Masque @masque_of_red
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Maiotaku members fanfiction
Red Masque @masque_of_red
Lady Illusion was born into an elegant home. She was adored by all who came to know her.
One day, when came to age, she was elected to become head of her house.
House Illusion was one of the most prominent houses in all of England, the leader of the house would bring about great change to all the land.
However, she was deeply frightened about being given such a position. How could one so young be a good leader?
Luckily, she wasn't comepletly alone. There was one you stood beside her. Her court bulter had been her closest friend for her whole life.
"I believe you will lead the court to greatness, and I'll will always be at your service".
The bulter always encouraged her and built up her strength.
She eventually took her place as the head of house illusion, and ruled fairly throughout her term.
Though many enemies came and gone, duchess illusion never faltered, and stood strong against all opperstion.
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