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Whats the best way to stop bullies?
neeto @neet_one commented on TTmTT
Oct 15, 15 at 11:14pm
slit their throat
Veru @verucassault commented on TTmTT
Oct 15, 15 at 11:14pm
Kick them in the balls, punch them in the tits.
Oct 15, 15 at 11:22pm
O-O well jeez thats really extreme guys
neeto @neet_one commented on TTmTT
Oct 15, 15 at 11:26pm
well it'd stop it that's for sure. What kinda bulling we talking about anyways?
115 @siruboo commented on TTmTT
Oct 15, 15 at 11:27pm
kiss there wiener
Oct 15, 15 at 11:32pm
Mostly belittling but its not me its one of my friends @siruboo Thats gross
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene commented on TTmTT
Oct 15, 15 at 11:34pm
To stop a monster - you must become one.
neeto @neet_one commented on TTmTT
Oct 15, 15 at 11:39pm
Well there's always the ignoring them thing, if done well they'd get bored and move on. Retaliating by doing the same to them or with violence might make things worse to be honest depending on the kind of bullies. I used to deal with bullies by fighting back. Sure sometimes it'd mean getting my ass kicked but in the long run made me not worth the trouble in their eyes. For that matter you can try getting yourself some tough looking friends to hang around with, no one's gonna wanna mess with someone in a group.
Oct 15, 15 at 11:49pm
I don't think my friend has a understanding to do that he doesn't think like others and so people bully him
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