Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
Arc @arc
Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
Arc @arc
Last night myself and another user, Veru, were dared to watch episode one of Boku no Piku. We both thought it was best we get a little bit tipsy before we watched it. The following is a drunken texting transcript between Veru and I as we watched Boku no Piku together.
Disclaimer: Contains foul language
A: My heart rate is up I'm scared
V: Oh we get a sing along
A: Oh god
I just know that's a guy
it is he has a package
A: Put some pants on damnit
V: Omg a disclaimer
A: It already hurts
V: I already feel like I shouldn't watch this
A: Why is it escalating so fast??
My auditory is telling me a different message because of female voice actress
V: Right
A: Okay, that wasn't so bad
V: Perv(at anime, not A lol)
A: My eyes were battling my ears
He should know it's a boy, ain't got no ass
Lol getting more money
V: Ha
A: Something bad is about to happen
V: This is like pandora a box version of hentai meets mystery science theater 3000
A: I just know it
Why is your grandson is a dress good sir?!?
V: Lol
A: Oh no, not his milk
V: And that's how it all started ... Gramps pawned him off on a stranger
A: How the hell did they get into this relationship so fast
V: Lol
Gramps would go to jail for child endangerment
A: lol
Don't put the coin I his ass please
I don't like this
V: Here's another quarter son! I didn't quite get my dick in the crack that time!
A: lol
V: This is why
A: Just pretend it's a girl
Just pretend it's a girl
V: I refuse to state the obvious aside from the fact that it being a boy isn't the worst part
A: No
Oh no
V: That's all you
A: Ears, stop playing games on me
V: Tis thou not satisfied?!
A: Ears telling me be aroused, eyes telling me to cry
V: Lol
There's not enough Tabasco in my cabinet to burn these images away
A: lol
Holding that ice cream like a charm though
V: Lol
You meant charm DONT LIE
A: This is it
The part I get oh god
V: I'm so glad it's blurred
A: Holy shit
Went off like a Dillon rocket
That made me have sore joints
V: By gramps going to go get my freak on with this stranger
A: Man they can't give me one minute before they start fucking again???
A: Fuck I wish regular hentai was paced like this
This part isn't so bad because it looks and sounds like just regular hentai
V: Oh no he ruined his new outfit
A: Oh no
Shits going to get rough
I wonder what Freud would say about this
A: Haha
V: Well that was graphic
A: Yep
V: Oh no
A: Wow
Butt Fukkin naked
In elevator
V: That bastard ever move
A: Old man just smokin his crack pipe whole episode while his grandson smokes dick pipe
V: That's why he sent him off with a stranger ... To practice the upcoming gargoyle competition
A: Grandpa just don't give a fuck
V: Lol
A: Oh no
V: Lol
A: This is the worst
This is the worst part
A: So many conflicting messages
A: Wow
V: omg it's almost over
A: Your hair grew back Fukkin fast
The worst is over Veru
Please hold me
Aka-san @redhawk
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Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
Aka-san @redhawk
Lol wtf
Damn you and Veru just became best bros for life after this lol
Veru @verucassault
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Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
Veru @verucassault
Hey Arc, sup bro?
Veru @verucassault
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Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
Veru @verucassault
This is a goldmine of hilarity. We should do this again sometime. Other people should do this and post their transcripts. I don't know if I would watch Ep 2 of this though. OMG I still haven't changed my prof pic because I still feel soiled.
Arc @arc
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Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
Arc @arc
I know, right? Yeah, it's definitely better to watch it together with somebody else. Although, I don't know if I can take another boku no piku. I still haven't recovered yet.
soulxiii @soulxiii
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Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
soulxiii @soulxiii
"tis thou not satisfied?!" sums up that whole moment
Luxus @superluxus
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Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
Luxus @superluxus
So sports radio today was talking about the shower room in the NFL locker rooms and how it's am open area with a bunch of shower heads. They went on to talk about guys checking other guys out. This all stemmed cuz a quaterback was giving a pep talk in the shower room and people wanted to know if they were dressed or not. But the point of the story - all that kept popping into my head was boku no Pico. I seriously wanted to go into a corner and cry. It was aweful....
♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
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Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
So accurate Arc I LOVE THIS hahahaha
徐々に @jojoni
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Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
徐々に @jojoni
I got admit, you guys are so honest... To make you guys feel better the seiyu who voiced them are pretty women.
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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Transcript: This is why you should not watch Boku no Pico
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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