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How often do you talk to your friends?

Whenever the text me back or pick up the phone Rotten bastards XD
Unfortunately,my best friend and I have conflicting schedules,however we keep in touch through social media and hang out at least once a week. Thankfully,I have tons of other friends and acquaintances and I'm always a phone call or text away from doing something with somebody. So I guess to answer the question,on the daily!
I try to see people every day. I have some people who don't live near by I talk to near daily.
I don't have real friends because most of them are fake so I cut ties with all of them after I graduated from Highschool, yes I was a fool for trying to be friends with them in the first place but whatever I let them go. I only have one real friend that I consider a part of my family.
I pretty agree with you blood since I don't like fake friend since not only waste my time but making myself as a fool.. I cut ties with a lot of them since they don't talk and ignore you. When they do talk either ask you for help or request. After you help them and they ignore you again....
I try to keep contact with people every day, or at least show my presence online or something. Though, every once in a while, I go into a social hibernation and I just don't really talk to anyone for a bit. Usually it's because I'm preoccupied with a hobby or something.
i like talking to people on the internet more. probably because they have things in commen
If possible I try and talk to someone every day via text/FB conversations. Not always the same friend but someone. Gotta keep that social bar filled to be a happy sim. Online on sites is slower since I only check them in the evening at my computer but still every other day or so. I try to only be friends with people I'd talk to anyway. I don't like having a million people on my friends list and not speak to any of them.
Not much, life is busy so I don't talk that often. Pretty sure they have something else to do cause they more busy. Adult life, ya know.
Almost never im just not that big on talking. I have nothing to talk about except life because their not into anime or video games or tv shows and life kinda sucks right now so im just holding the phone. I would text but thats kinda pointless too. Either I stop texting or they do sooooo yep. Unless were going to hang out theirs no point. I guess maybe to see if their alive or something XD.
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