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How often do you talk to your friends?

Everydayyyy.. online offlinee
Not often. Not very social, but if they need something they know they can email me or text.
Not often. Not very social, but if they need something they know they can email me or text.
As often as possible.. they're my friends after all. c:
Not often, even those pretty close to me. They know it annoys me af when they talk to me too much since I like quietness pretty much, that's why I keep my cellphone on mute too.
Whenever I'm not sunk in work. Haha. I mostly talk to them online though, or arrange a meetup whenever we all happen to be free.
As much as I can which is not as often as when we were kids but we stay in touch online too.
I tend to lose friends when I go separate ways. I make an effort to try to keep in touch with them but at a point when I see I'm doing more of the leg work than they are, I cut my losses. Being as it is, I make friends where I work, because I'm there so often. I speak to them outside of work as well as we often do things in the evenings or weekends when we are able to get our schedules together. People from the past, from school, yeah I may have them on social media, but they can contact me just as easily as I can contact them, right? meh.
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