Advanced Placement Classes!!

Kyetge! @kyetge
Advanced Placement Classes!!
Kyetge! @kyetge
My school is so poor and somehow we're going to have to get the same scores as students who go to better places. :(
I'm entering my senior year, and if all goes well, I'll only have been able to take TWO Advanced Placement courses. They have given me AP Spanish, which is what I requested, but some jerk decided to be funny or something and recommend me for AP American Literature, which is NOT something I want to spend part of my summer, a whole school year, and MONEY on.
But I'm in it, so I better be happy and take advantage of it.
I wanted to go into AP Calculus because all my friends except me are going to be taking it, which would make it much more bearable. But I fucking suck at math! I've taken Precalculus twice and I got a B this year too.
They're also going into AP Government, which has a NOTORIOUSLY nice teacher who was actually my coach for the marathon running group, but I know that conflicts will come up because I don't want to learn about that crap.
So I'm stuck with these two classes. And I have summer homework. :D
It's something I look forward to completing. The consumption of expensive reading material and payment for the AP tests at the end of the year, NOT SO MUCH.
So now I ask you, readers, who's ever had AP in high school? Dost thou have any tips? What kind of experiences do you remember having? What do you think about International Baccalaureate (IB) classes?

barcafc4533 @barcafc4533
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Advanced Placement Classes!!
barcafc4533 @barcafc4533
Im a current college student here in LA majoring in political science..
since High school i had to take some Honors and Ap classes.
I took 2 ap classes and the Ap Tests then.
AP spanish Language
Ap MacroEconomics
got a "C" in spanish....
got a B in Economics
in the end i got a 5 on the Ap for spanish which was excellent.
and i got a 3 on Econ..
i think that the best way to do well is througth the tests, since you only get college credit if you do well in the Ap exams given every end of the year. As for the spanish calss, i hated my teacher and kinda lagged it since im a native spanish speaker, so i managed to slither away with a 5. I was never good at math so the furthest i made it was Trig/Precalculus,
The best tip i can give u is to pay attention, take good notes, and try very hard to get the classes that you want; such as that spanish class, surely if you get your parents involved your counselors will have to secede to your demands. remember this is your education and only u decide where you want to go with it..
hope that helps

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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Advanced Placement Classes!!
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
I took AP Calc in high school!
I'm actually pretty sure that Precalculus is the hardest math class of them all. That's because its ALL the math you ever learned taken to a deeper, more extense level. Calculus is all concept based. Its pretty much imagining graphs and their instantaneous rate of change (slope at any given point) and the area underneath the curve of a graph. I don't have any use for calc in the navy, but I still do a calculus practice test every 2-3 months to keep me sharp since it was such a fun math (DONT JUDGE MY NERDINESS). I had APUSH too which was just dry memorization and conceptual understanding of events (ex: we forced native americans to move from their homelands. now explain why.) and as for IB classes, i have no clue lol

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Advanced Placement Classes!!
Kyetge! @kyetge
Instant 5 (or at least 4) for me on the Spanish AP test, then. I'm a native speaker AND I deeply love the language.
As FOR AP calculus, I'm glad I'm not taking it. :o
The teacher is nototoriously bad at english, so I just want to be there to proofread her work.
I hate being bad at any subject. :(
But I'm terribly mediocre at math! >:O WHY.
Thanks for the advice/anecdotes, guys.
@BARCAFC4533: and where did you end up? Were two AP classes enough to get you into a school you wanted to enter?

barcafc4533 @barcafc4533
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Advanced Placement Classes!!
barcafc4533 @barcafc4533
I got accepted to all the CSU's and UC Riverside, but since it wasnt the school i wanted, i decided to community college the first two years: (its cheaper) and i plan on transfering to another UC of my choice by next fall.
what school are you looking to get into ?

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Advanced Placement Classes!!
Kyetge! @kyetge
I'm just trying to stay in Cali, and maybe go to CSU Bakersfield as a safety school because my cousin goes there. But I want to shoot for USC. Meh. Probably not going to happen even with all the sleepless nights these classes will mean for me.
And I'm thinking of running another marathon, but is that going to be enough to get them to want me just from my personal statements?
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