My Perfect Girl?
kilek94 @kilek94
My Perfect Girl?
kilek94 @kilek94
So apparently people here like to discuss about "perfect" people and if being in a relationship is better then being single.
When it comes to a girl, personally, I don't judge. You are who you are and how you show it is what makes you perfect. My girls will be shy or loud, thin or bigger, tall or short... Appearance does not matter. What people want these days isn't a relationship. They want acceptance and want looks over anything. There's no such thing as real love. I want someone to cuddle with every night, watch movies, anything. I want someone I can trust, LOYALTY! And most importantly it has to be a two way relationship. Not where the women does all the cleaning and meals and the man pays all the bills and work. Help each other out. If you manage to find that one that makes you smile daily, listens to you, helps you and same vie versa, then you found the perfect one.
As for being single or in a relationship... They both suck. Unless you're in a real relationship. (Y)
yaasshat @yaasshat
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My Perfect Girl?
yaasshat @yaasshat
So, question... You say looks don't matter? You'll be physically attracted by personality alone? I mean, to each thier own, but sexual attraction plays a big role, shallow or not and it seems most won't put that out there because they think it comes off as shallow.
However, I'm in agreement with you on "unless you're in a real relationship". But, being single has a ton of perks too, it's those hormones that tell you otherwise.
kilek94 @kilek94
commented on
My Perfect Girl?
kilek94 @kilek94
Sure, I am human after all, physical beauty is good but it's not something I go by. My ex is actually a perfect example. I will sound bad by saying this but she was a bigger girl, I'd say a 4/10 if that. I was judged at school and work because I was just that skinny guy with a girl twice my size. But I never cared about it. She made me happy, 2 years with her and engaged. I was physically attracted to her after I got to know her. I don't see people as others do. I read people and get to know them before anything. But no, looks do not matter. Everyone is beautiful inside and out. It's just the way people think nowadays that changed the meaning of relationship and that's why it's so uncommon to see two people who actually love each other.
Maybe it's because I take love and relationships seriously. But I think everyone deserves a chance.
o.o @bloodcursedchild
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My Perfect Girl?
o.o @bloodcursedchild
The people who judged you being with someone who was twice your size, mostly likely have a ugly heart.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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My Perfect Girl?
yaasshat @yaasshat
I respect and sympathize, brutha. I'm actually the same way, but to a degree, there's a bit of physical attraction that only increases once the overall is added in the equation. I only asked because I know that many will say looks don't matter so as to look like a white knight. Looks matter if only for the fact that you know the person cares about themselves. There's an old, semi outdated biological view point that seems to drive society and it only serves to take the human out of humanity.
cabbage @donnierye
commented on
My Perfect Girl?
cabbage @donnierye
my perfect girl wears a sweater. i love sweaters.
i wish i was a sweater.
i wish i hosted blue's clues and had a green striped sweater.
mariahaise @mariahaise
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My Perfect Girl?
mariahaise @mariahaise
Panda IS the perfect girl
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Arc @arc
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My Perfect Girl?
Arc @arc
Woah Maria, total burn on panda (」゜ロ゜)」
Luxus @superluxus
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My Perfect Girl?
Luxus @superluxus
Veru @verucassault
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My Perfect Girl?
Veru @verucassault
If you want to destroy my sweater... Woah woah woah
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