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Have you ever been friendzoned?

i personally don't believe in the friendzone. if someone isn't into you at the time they're just not. this friendzone thing is just something to make a big deal out of something that should be minor
Sep 23, 15 at 7:56pm
Friendzone = Having feelings for someone that are not reciprocated the same way. Usually its portrayed as being negative as you feel awkward / annoyed / sad etc about not getting loved back. Long story short.. Yeah it has happened to me in the past.
I agree with Vollmacht and DoubleZero, I know how long distant relationships feel and it is hard, but it isn't always destined to fall apart. I'm still trying to put myself in your shoes still... I have been rejected in a similar sense, but in the worst fashion... I ask out a friend that I had feelings for, well let's just say he didn't just reject me, but I was like a sister to him... I know he tried to put it as nice as he could cause he was a nice person, but this was in high school and make it worse is the fact that we already we shared the locker. Of course not wanting to show emotion after being rejected I wasn't the nicest by avoiding the locker at times. ;-; Like my friends have said to me don't put all your eggs in the basket, but there is nothing ever garented just don't put to much hope it will change back, but everones right at least you guys can stay friends, cause it's better than nothing.
I don't believe in friendzones. Simply because it presents an image of relationships as some sort window of opportunity where if you miss the right stop you're doomed when that is so far from reality that it can actually be destructive to your love life. Relationship building SHOULD involve becoming friends with the person and grow from there. All of my relationships came after becoming friends with the woman. I think becoming friends shouldn't be considered a dead end, it's more of an opportunity to grow your relationship from there. And if any woman tells you she can't date you because she doesn't want to lose you as a friends, trust me that's her being polite and not the actual reason. More than likely it's because she is interested in someone else or observed something about you she doesn't want to be a part of in any deep way (like if you are a trouble maker or something)
One time I was interested in a girl but she was only talking to me because her friend liked me and she was just trying to find out stuff and then it turned into this weird triangle that ruined their relationship except that never happened, I read that in a book. Nothing happens in my life.
I've never been friendzone but looking at my friends who actually went through it I guess it could be really awkward especially if she have a bf or a crush on someone else
The friendzone is for little bity kids that whine about not getting what they want from the opposite sex.
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never XD because im never the one who hits on someone and asks to go out, i always feel itll make me look like a wierdo so i wait for people to come to me.
Guys almost always have to ask the girl out though. That's probably why the "guy friendzone ratio" is higher.
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