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Hello there!

Sep 07, 15 at 8:26pm
Hi all, I'm new to this site. Any suggestions?
Welcome ^.^
Sep 07, 15 at 8:32pm
hi :)
Sep 07, 15 at 8:34pm
Make new friends and chat away on the forums i'm shure you wil make lots of friends! Welcome to MO!
Sep 07, 15 at 9:01pm
Welcome to the grand party http://img07.deviantart.net/34e6/i/2011/327/8/f/fun_at_the_beach_by_rasanime-d3mcle3.jpg If your wondering how to post pics in the comment. Just copy the URL of the google or what ever search engine you use and paste it in the comment area. Make sure you click and copy the URL for the view image page not just from the first chick on the image. Hope that helps you out with the suggestions part.
Sep 09, 15 at 2:43am
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
Sep 10, 15 at 11:31am
Hi. :)
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