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Expert tips on how to hid your naughty files

I notice that on this site are a lot of bright, strapping young lads and lasses who probably have gigantic porn/hentai folders. I want to help! You may ask, "Well Arc, how can I make sure my parents don't find my futanari collection?" Well my perverted friend, you are in luck! I am a college graduate in computer software development and have mastered hiding my porn folder IN PLAIN SIGHT. Just follow these steps and you will have your nosy friends and parents praising you for being an upstanding member of society. http://i.imgur.com/8o0oXxM.png?1 Step 1: Organize all of your perverted content into one folder. Step 2: Download a boring looking icon from the net that nobody would be interested in. I chose an icon called "Task scheduler". However, you can choose any icon that is relevant to work that you think your friends and family will not click on. (I chose a windows process because that might explain the 44gig file size, hehe) You will have to convert it to an icon format http://convertico.com/ Step 3:Toss your icon into your pervert folder. Move this folder to the desktop. (if your hentai/porn collection is as big as mine, this could take a while). Right click the folder from the desktop and go to "properties". Go to "Customize" and click "Change Icon". Choose the icon you downloaded. If the icon doesn't change right away, just restart. It'll be there! Step 4: Almost done! Change your naughty content folder to a name that suits the icon. I named mine "Windows task scheduler". Now you have an inconspicuous icon right on the desktop that is convenient to you. Take that, mom and dad! Step 5: MOST IMPORTANT STEP. If you're like me and you know anything about computers, it is easy to expose perverted fantasies by searching for it in the windows search bar. We need to take your porn folder off the search results permanently! To do this type "Indexing Options" in the windows search bar. Click "Modify" -> "Users" -> "your name" -> "desktop" -> Uncheck your secret folder and click OK. Test it out! Type in the name of any hentai image in your folder to see if it works. Yay, you're done! Oh yeah, and clear your damn browser history you perverted freak.
Step one, incognito mode. Step two, just remember where to go. Step three, enjoy. Also, fuck duh police! (That's to jikoshy. ;P)
Finally I can hide all my dirty yaoi and yuri stuff now. ;D
Or just don't keep any. also helps if you have your own computer/room.
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Folder labeled "Tax info 2012" works for me.
my folder is named "not gunna lie this is hentai"
https://33.media.tumblr.com/870f3c791d4576560decd8e93d455924/tumblr_inline_mjk06rSNmC1qgx7oa.jpg ~T
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