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Have you ever gone to a con in hopes of meeting someone?

Nope, that be a wast of my time there. I go to have fun, see all the awesome cosplay, cosplay my self, go see the different events and meet some voice actors. an most of all laugh and have a great time. If I meet new people and make new friend then all the better. Since I sole most cons I go too, I do end up meeting new people since a lot of the same people go to the same cons in South Florida, so we see each other every con.
I go to cons and yes i have hooked up at one. Its not a big deal.
I have, I mean its almost perfect, everybody at a con has common ground, its the perfect place to meet someone perfect for you, in my opinion, every time I go to a con, I have hope for meeting the love of my life, or simply just new friends :)
All about the fun for me. Albeit there is that hope and dream of meeting someone there mainly because we all share the same interests, it's not the primary reason i go.
Not really but I have seen some guys and girls put up signs looking for a relationship and it turns out it was just a massive joke kinda like how I bought a massive tepig plush at a convention the this girl was like I love you let me have it and I kinda hate people like that ugh
70% NO 30% YES. Been going to AWA for 5 years. 6th the charm.
Where the hell else are you going to find your dream girl or guy? It's not weird at all although if your spending the money you should enjoy yourself because "thirsty" is like a tattoo on a persons face.
The other year at AWA I meet some of my friends and make news one but romance eww never! don't got no time for that anyway! anime conventions are for having fun,enjoying the cosplay,and buying anime goodies! ;) now that's what I think
I know some people who've gone to a con to hookup with people and succeeded, sometimes in the funniest of ways. Personally I didn't use to, it was just me having a good time. But if it did happen by chance it would have been weird, but probably cool at the same time. Since we met at a place where we know we have something in common.
Personally, I find it very annoying. It's always at an inconvenient time too. Apparently, guys think it's a good time to hit on me when I'm looking at art in artist alley, or when I'm posing in cosplay with a dozen photographers in front of me. Stop that. Also, there are a lot of underage people going to cons; I had to chase a guy away (obviously in his 20s or 30s) at this one con for trying to hit on 2 of my underage cosplay kouhais. He kept badgering us to come party and drink at his hotel room, and I had to give him my best bitch face for him to go away. But obviously, there are girls out in cons looking for a hookup too. Just don't annoy the ones who are busy; yah yah, you want to flirt with that one cosplayer, but chances are she'll get irritated at you for adding to her already hectic schedule.
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