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Anime MMO? :o..

Aug 23, 15 at 5:13am
I'd like to know if there are any hidden anime mmorpgs i've overlooked? :o? Onigiri online took a good direction but couldn't pull it off because of bad game design.. Aura Kingdom is.. meh. Peria Chronicles is dead x.x http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2013/237/7/3/help_our_poor_reiko__by_mmidori31-d6jnfp1.png
You've got a few out there. Mabinogi, DOMO....most of them aren't that great though. You could try to get the cracked english patched version of Phantasy Star Online II. It's a bit of a pain to set up but it has very advanced character creation system, and if you're familiar with the Phantasy Star series it's all action-based combat revolving around specialized classes and a huge assortment of weapons in a sci-fi setting.
Aug 23, 15 at 6:04pm
@Takumi of the Wind :o.. Love the Mabinogi BGM.. but both games aren't that great compared to today's standard :[[. If only i had started playing them when they both first came out xD.. but i didn't know much bout anime or mmos. I might give Phantasy a shot. It looks cool :oo..
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Aug 23, 15 at 10:46pm
There's Dungeon Fighter Online, or DFO for short, its free to play, has some good art work, pretty fun and nice way to pass the time
Aug 24, 15 at 12:36pm
I like MapleStory, Rumble Fighters, and a bit of La Tale. Tricksters Online used to be an old favorite but it got shut down a few years back, but there is a Private Server that's open to the public so people who still admire the game could go and relive their nostalgia. Personally, I don't settle in Private Servers because you never know what'll happen to the server. If they're available, I just test the server out for awhile for fun but I won't take it serious in case I lose my character for any reason. There's also Soul Saver Online based on Ghost Online, which is really old. I only tried it for a bit, so I can't really say if the game's good or not. The installation process is fairly easy and straight forward and updates are quick from my experience. There are minor bugs that has to do with window mode and full screen, but nothing game breaking. To be honest, mmorpg's or mmo's nowadays don't have anything new or interesting to show for and my advice is just pick a game that looks good to you if you like the art style, has the fewest bugs, has a good rating, and that's free to play for the most part. not pay to win. explore the game, n whatnot. MapleStory, i have to warn you there are TONS of botters and hackers it's a bit insane how many botters you'll see ksing the map. I wish i can just kick them out of the map but saddly there like cockroaches. They won't stop, or leave. Rumble Fighters, is pretty decent. It's a fighting MMO and if you like super smash bro's then this game would feel quite familiar to you. There are plenty of "cash whores" who will judge your character based on how you look and if you don't got those "pro gear" you're considered inferior and you will be kicked out of the room time and time again. but I wouldn't let that discourage you, you will find the right people eventually ^ ^ also, beware that if you create something unique expect people to copy you. i had people copy my character's look in some way shape or form and screen name which at the time pissed me right the **** off... La Tale, the controls are a bit clunky but if you mastered them then you wouldn't have too much of an issue and might actually enjoy them. There are tons of customization and the community is pretty friendly for the most part.
Aug 24, 15 at 9:02pm
@zehvee Thank you so much for the detailed description of those games. I'll probably just stick to blade and soul.
Aug 25, 15 at 9:58am
Blade & Soul is coming out, want to make a guild?
Aug 25, 15 at 1:14pm
@徐々に I'd be honored to start a guild with you haha. You're talking about the beta that comes this fall correct?
I can't wait for Blade and Soul, can I join your guild?
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