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Do you think you're good at picking up on signals?

I think over the years I've gotten a bit better about it but generally I'm not looking for them when I'm out and about. I've been told by friends that happen to be with me at the time things like "Hey, did you see the way that girl was looking at you?" or something like "Sounds like she is giving you hints to hang out." What kinda signals have you gotten? Do you ever think twice when a pretty girl/handsome guy is checking you out? Also, what do you usually do to let someone know that you're into them?
Lol I suck at picking up signals http://static.zerochan.net/Hatsune.Miku.full.1871817.jpg
I'm great at picking up signals, but when I do the person doesn't always want to agree with me that I'm right =o.
Probably. But I tend to ignore them since they confuse me.. Everyone has their own way of flirting anyway.
"Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I will catch it."
You humans and your silly mind games. http://griffin.mixrmedia.com/wp-uploads/ningin/blog/2010/01/pwq_sora_no_woto_-_02_hd_002473fdmkv_snapshot_2106_20100113_111942.jpg
Haha, not at all. Not at all. It once took a girl pushing me onto her bed for me to finally realize that she was interested in me. I honestly thought she invited me over after drinks to simply play videogames. My friends tell me the same thing, how girls are looking/flirting with me and I just get agitated because it's too late at that point. I think they get some kind of sick joy from seeing how block-headed I am, haha
Somewhat I guess. Although with some people it can be harder to tell than others.
Yes I do and right away, I consider it kind of disgusting when it's the first time meeting that person. Of course if I don't like it I just ignore it. But, to be honest, I may not notice them when they are from the person I like. Still, I'm not that oblivious to this stuff I just pretend to not know nothing at all, less bothering that way. However, there are still relationship stuff I clearly don't know and I have no interest in knowing either. The whole thing is confusing either way, is best to just ignore it when it is not beneficial to me.
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