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Finding that special someone who also likes anime

I really want to find someone to date who likes anime, but it's hard! There are sites like these but most people are too judgemental when looking at profiles. I also saw posts on forums saying girls don't like to be flirted with at conventions. So that's means I just have to try randomly and I already have a very difficult time taking to anyone due to bad experiences, depression, and severe anxiety. I thought the Otaku community would be more open to finding friends and whatnot online, but I guess not. It seems excessively difficult to date a girl who likes anime. But I'm a bit lonely so maybe it's me.
I've come to learn that you shouldn't loom for a relationship. Just try to be friendly with people, have fun, and eventually when you find a girl that likes spending time with you as much as you do then, the relationship blossoms.
Honestly that's the best advice. Diving into a relationship out of desperation and just because you think you have a chance ends badly for you friend. Remember to always make them a friend first.
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