School - Live

exalist @exalist
School - Live
exalist @exalist
I just started watching this anime today and it has really made an impression on me. Not because I think it is particularly good but because of its uniqueness. (I'm going to try and make my point without spoiling anything so if it comes across as weak I apologize in advance)
Basically my point is that the entire premise behind this series is quite sad, but it doesn't make me feel the same type of sadness as any other "sad" anime. I feel that's because most anime are relatively calm and then jab a knife into your heart in one stroke with the intent to break you down. But this series doesn't do that, the idea of the anime is sad, but the surface emotion of this anime has been quite chipper and cheerful. Its like the anime is slowly trying to tear you down, rather than all at once.
I was wondering if anybody else who may have seen this series feels the same way. Also if anybody knows of another series with the same type of idea I would love to hear about them.

michaelw @michaelw
commented on
School - Live
michaelw @michaelw
Nice review thingy. Someone mentioned this show to me before and you have renewed my interest. Where did you watch it from?

exalist @exalist
commented on
School - Live
exalist @exalist
I personally watch it on crunchyroll but it is also on Hulu if you prefer that.

mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
commented on
School - Live
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
I saw one episode ... and I was like ... okay ...
where is the zombies .. ?
I was thinking High School of the dead
and they had to LIVE in the school because they
got no way out ... I was wrong on both counts

Spitfire The Siege @tfk
commented on
School - Live
Spitfire The Siege @tfk
You have to pay careful attention to the first episode to catch the subtle hints as to what the fuck is going on. It picks up though and it gets compelling.
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