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Aug 09, 15 at 7:13pm
shiba inu's are adorable http://cdn.akc.org/akcdoglovers/ShibaInu_cutout.png and so are pomeranians https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/52/a7/18/52a7186c10016e488b9055b8a350f8b6.jpg
michaelw @michaelw commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 7:24pm
Oh oh oh! I absolutely loooooove Siberian huskies! Used to have three of them when I still lived with my mom. The one of those that was really "mine" was a uber cute wooly, picture the hair being four times longer. His name was Oshi. But if you want huskies be prepared to do alot of running and chasing. They are escape artists bred for running and making you chase them is a favorite game. Those cars, so PAINFUL! There used to be someone in my area with KissxSis decals all over a cheap Honda or other. I wanted to try to talk to him about it but would only ever see the car in passing.
michaelw @michaelw commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 7:30pm
@Haruu I recently discovered that if you hit the little blue star beside the thread title you can turn notifications on/off even if it isn't your. Thread.
Aug 09, 15 at 7:33pm
Hi I'm new here
Haruu @haruu commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 7:35pm
@Neko: Dogs are so cute.... T.T So much more expensive but they're so affectionate. T.T Oh, German Sheppard are also really cool. Not as fluffy, but way more practical. I used to have one as a kid. He was really smart. :> Pomeranians are so cute though. c: I heard they're really feisty. @Michael: OH WHAT? THREE? Danggg... That must have been a ton of work. I didn't know they liked escaping though. We have an open yard... Lol it probably would not be ideal for us to have one. I also heard they shed a lot during a certain time of the year. Is it bad? D: Lol painful? Lololol that's amazing they actually drove the car around... >__>;; Yep! I clicked on it not too long ago. I'm on top if this now ;w; @Saber: Welcome! Cute cats btw c:
Aug 09, 15 at 7:38pm
hey saber whats up? welcome to the site http://i.imgur.com/XxBaBfu.gif
Aug 09, 15 at 7:40pm
i had a doberman pinscher when i was smaller she was awesome but those dogs are really mean when they want to be...my grandparents recently got one of the mini ones and he chased us out the house whenever we came to visit
Haruu @haruu commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 7:43pm
@Neko: Oh no D: Were you able to train them despite their temper?
michaelw @michaelw commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 8:06pm
@Haruu Haha, I'm pretty sure those decal cars translate to painful or something in japanese. The guy driving it was certainly impervious to stare guns and mental bullets. Ya gotta be a basement badass to rock the anime cars with ecchi ecchi loli girls all over. The huskies can be alot to handle sometimes but are sooo worth it! But they can be very creative in figuring out ways to escape. Be it opening doors with their mouth or learning how to jump over a full sized fence. They shed twice a year and its much worse during spring when they lose the winter coat. Especially with a woolly because of having hair that wasn't ever meant to be long. It tended to matt up in the undercoat and would be really difficult to comb out. So when it would start getting warmer I would shave his chest and stomach.
cabbage @donnierye commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 8:10pm
Can you even ride the rides at six flags?
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