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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

Most days, yes.
hellyea we're cute as fuck
Judge my outside looks for yourself (hides for cover) As for inner beauty (the other side of the coin) I would say I'm honest in a lot of ways but that aint always good. Sometimes im so inconsiderate about circumstances and peoples feelings ... I just say what I think. no bad intentions.. never.. just being a big oaf sometimes but at the same time that honesty is my biggest strength. you need me.. im there. you need someone to talk to.. I can listen to you very well... i'd still say to my sister that her new dress looks ugly on her if that's the first thing I am thinking when I see for the first time... gomena sai nee-chan..
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I look like a punk, cause I can Rock as good as Gibraltar. So yeah, I'm badass, cause being in Philly means you gotta be tough. I am intimidating, which is all I want. People who know me know I have a heart of gold, but for strangers? I walk like a confident RPG enemy. So, some find that appealing and others horrific.
I have no idea
Nevermind what I said... I'm a beautiful latina girl. http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2014-11/21/12/tmp/webdr04/anigif_mobile_3221a8580d0781e9a53470fdcccaee50-0.gif
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