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why do people here have 10+ pictures of random anime bullshit and 0 pictures of themself?

Yeaaah, I always found that hilarious... >takes pic with tits smack in the middle of it >gets offended by remarks about them Like wtf did you expect?
@donnie Weren't you aiming for an objective discussion with the thread? Everyone speaks subtext differently. That is a big reason that I have avoided social media internets. Too much energy wasted on arguing. @hikki I have always had the feeling that the women who get offended about that stuff are offended because it wasn't the kind of compliment or attention they wanted and/or it wasn't from who they wanted.
Ya know what? I'mma upload my own 'boobie pic' for shits and giggles. xD See what kinda reactions it gets. :P **Edit** -- Done! xD
@Ananis what's catfish exactly? I might have heard the term before. But...fish? Huh? @Hikki It gets you an add at the very least.
You know I get sexual messages on here without having such pictures. It doesn't fucking matter. Some guys are just pathetic losers like that, ayoo... As for pictures.. Many are pretty self-concious and probably don't want to be judged based on their looks. The rest are fucking trolls or Cory. Which is basically the same.
>I get sexual messages on here without having such pictures. Ah, yes, the troubles of being a girl... D:
Just saying that to prevent victim blaming. It doesn't matter what you do. Perverted freaks are everywhere. >What did you expect? Me no likey that attitude. Said person obviously wanted attention but knows that with many guys that only works via tits 'cuz tits. In a following conflict in the depths of their souls where they had to decide whether to get bad attention or no attention they decided for the former. They still don't like the response obviously and will react to it negatively but hey.. At least some kind of attention. So to answer your question: they expected exactly what happened. And yeah, shit's fucked up, man... I cry every day because of it.
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