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why do people here have 10+ pictures of random anime bullshit and 0 pictures of themself?

Well...some people don't feel comfortable having pics up of themselves. I think that's just what it is. I didn't feel comfortable at first and then eventually I did. Not really a big deal though if people don't have irl pics on here. People can be real creepers if they see a pretty girls pic.
To each their own, I personally dont like when there's no picture, it's boring , you know?
Isn't this site for random anime bullshit? xD I know a reason why tho ^w^
Well the pictures are put in galleries, I thought it was people just changing their avatars and not deleting their old ones.
I always figure it was to tell want anime/manga/games your into.
now I feel bad.... I am going to put a anime picture on mines...
Free hugs (/030)/, to lazy to take pics of me muhaha
I guess I need to put a picture of me on here, but uggggh. ;-; I just mainly feel slightly uncomfortable I guess by the idea of strangers around the world seeing me and me not knowing who is seeing it, it'd be nice if pictures have privacy filters xD
Because people don't wanna becreepedon-- Someone annihilate this thread already. ~T
I think there are multiple reasons why people don't post their pictures. Let's just say for example that a particular person is extremely attractive. (Physically) If that person is very attractive then naturally, they have people hit on them all the time, but they know it is because of their appearance, and not who they are. So, for some people maybe they want people to like them for who they are before they know what they look like. For others maybe a self esteem issue, or maybe it's because they are worried about stalkers. They could also be ashamed of the fact they like anime, and this type of thing. They could also be worried that people they know will see they are online, on a Otaku website. Which may or may not affect their personal lives. There are plenty of reasons why a person would hide what they look like. This is just my opinion on it, im sure there are many other reasons why people don't post pictures of themselves.
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